Posts by Sacha
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Bring back the Middle Island, I say.
Or was it the 'Central America' designation?
It's the price we pay for reducing things to only North and South Islands. :)
Ooops - that needed one of these. :)
Satisfying reality television.
We'd better stop talking about spelling then..
These things tend to be hard enough to put together as it is.
Yes, I was trying to be compassionate about the resources of a small weekly show. If it were 60 Minutes or CloseUp or a full documentary, no tolerance here.
our medical panel in the same show is 100% female.
What, you didn't bother to find any men? :)
Some unpublicised research in the 90s from the old NorthHealth RHA showed men worse off in all monitored health outcomes that affected both men and women (excluding testicular and ovarian cancers, for instance). No idea whether that included swine flu, but there you go.
And how will this affect the pork-barrel politics of the USA?
I do see your point - much as a panel on child-raising in the 1960s would be enriched by stay-at-home fathers of the time. I just wouldn't expect it to be as easy at short notice to track many down, is all.
Loud voices. I believe Brenda had a huge role in coming up with the s92 blackout campaign, for instance.
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