Posts by Che Tibby

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  • Auckland City of Cars -- Part 3,

    Strange things happen in cities that stop building motorways. People actually start to locate closer to where they need to travel.

    this also stimulates small business near where they work/live (as opposed to huge strip malls), decreases the amount of oil we import, leads to this weird thing called 'community', and reduces stress for commuters.

    the other day i heard someone on complaining about the drive from albany to auckland in rush hour ("but i needed to get to work!!"). this type of idiot is a case in point.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: TVNZ on Demand actually…,

    That's what the internet is for.

    hell, sit in a park with sunglasses on and watch the girls walk by, you'll get the same rush.

    feel like a perv?

    ...then why expect your tv stars to be scantily clad? heh.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: TVNZ on Demand actually…,

    People are no longer willing to just sit back and wait for TVNZ etc to determine their viewing habits for the coming year.

    wasn't this exactly what that geezer russell brought out from the Beeb saying in 2005?

    is the beeb service not weighting up?

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: TVNZ on Demand actually…,

    danyl mate, you're obviously just not in the "lowest common denominator" demographic.

    there's plenty of time on the tube dedicated to punters who want to see nothing more interesting than charlotte bounce her jugs around.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: TVNZ on Demand actually…,

    the thinking seems to be that people are much more likely to 'snack' online, particularly the younger people who are major users. Could we not have programmes broken into meaningful chunks as well?

    this is a good call. i've given away tv entirely (too much shit just wasting my time), but have enjoyed the three of five part documentary on auckland public transport viewable on this site.

    go is, i've tried watching dvds and the like on my desktop pc, or on a laptop, but sitting in an office chair passively veiwing is damn uncomfortable.

    viewable snippets would be fantastic, and more easily downloadable on a crappy ihug 4meg line.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    good point. deam martin would be much, much cooler

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shonky scepticism,

    thereby aggravating the ire of political 'scientists' world-wide.

    it's a blinking conspiracy by the economists...

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shonky scepticism,

    Although I suspect that economists believe they are practicing a science - they even get a nobel for it!

    and the nobel prize for voodooism masquerading as rationality goes to!! <strike>political science</strike> economics!

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    all good.

    though, looking at mine now, i'm realising that my buck rogers is too small.

    might put up a shot of wilma instead.

    will chase you up on that laphroaig in future.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    chris, check the rating of your gravatar.

    i made my r18 by accident (it was really pg), and it didn't show.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

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