Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Go Us,

    Palin went presidential and 'pardoned' a turkey at thanksgiving and then was interviewed with turkeys being slauhtered in the background.

    Thanks Bob. That was completely fucking bizarre.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: There is no depression in New…,

    Interesting thing: no entry for OnPoint has yet reappeared on the PA homepage blogroll (though this post is on the PAS roll). So how permanent is this return, Keith? Is there something we should know?

    Don't fret. He took me a bit by surprise. He'll be back on the masthead very soon.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: There is no depression in New…,

    Sigh. Russell can you please get your Cactus folk to fix whatever is logging me out today every now and then when I go from one page to another (without having altered a single setting or upgraded any components at my end).

    Can you email me with details -- OS, browser version, etc? I'll get onto it.

    The YouTube embedding is odd too. It doesn't affect everyone and it's inconsistent.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: There is no depression in New…,

    I don’t trust or distrust John Key. His agenda is pretty straightforward, and he’s made enough commitments to lock himself into a centrist agenda for the first term. He’s shown with his coalition deals that he’s aiming to be there for a while, and if there’s anything I trust, it’s that Key ambition for a second- and third-term will keep anything radical off the agenda.

    I'd have agreed until I thought a bit more about the lunatic-fringe stuff Act managed to get into its support agreement.

    In particular, National agreeing to take on Act's Taxpayers Bill of Rights as a government bill. We have real-world data on what a truly horrible and dangerous idea that is, thanks to Colorado.

    People who blather on about how government should be run like a business should take note: any business run according to an arbitrary rule that forbids either investment in capacity or the replenishing of reserves at times when revenue is good will eventually fail. That's what TABOR does.

    Tim Watkin noted:

    As Bernard Hickey has written on the Stuff website, "It would effectively do for fiscal policy what the Reserve Bank Act did for monetary policy. It would be one way to take the politicians out of government". Me, I quite like politicians in my government. I think it's called democracy.

    Gordon Campbell has more on TABOR.

    Fran O'Sullivan wrote yesterday that Bill English was not at all happy with Act's policy brinksmanship, and it appeared at one point that there would be no agreement possible. So there's your faultline there.

    If National were to dump Act in two years' time, I'd be tempted to vote for them in a glorious act of schadenfreude.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Will they make O'Reilly sweat?,

    Update from Mr Beatson himself:

    Bosnia was an international intervention in a civil war. We entered it in 1992 by providing 9 UN military observers after a peace agreement had been signed between Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims. We comitted 250 troops to Bosnia in 1994 after a flare-up in the civil conflict. The majority of those troops returned to NZ in 1996.

    We entered Afghanistan as part of a full-throated war of invasion in which the established government [Taliban] of Afghanistan - not just the Al Qaeda terrorists were the declared enemy. We came in on the second wave of the invasion to engage in combat not peace-keeping. I guess that's the difference.

    So technically Bosnia stays in, but as David points out, the two deployments aren't greatly comparable.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pomp and Circumstance,

    __The difference I'd like to point out is Helen was popular and Nat leaders weren't as you know, and consequently left without choice.__


    Newsflash: She Just Lost An Election.

    I think Sofie's point was that she was able to choose the timing of her own departure from the party leadership.

    It is actually a wee while since a leader of either major party left without being rolled by his or her own, isn't it?

    Frankly, if Key lasts nine years as Prime Minister, he's more than welcome to a send-off on the steps of Parliament. They can throw in morning tea, too.

    So, no, I can't see anything wrong with it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Speaking Freely,

    You can find a list of supported tuners here and you can get some of them in your local mall.

    Thanks! Which of those would be a reasonable swap for the 250 Plus?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Speaking Freely,

    The unit has SATA and USB connectors in the front latch but I don't think these have been enabled in the current OS version? I hope they get around to it though as it should be a breeze to increase the storage by 2-3x the standard and not run out of room.

    That USB port's only ever going to be allowed to run one way -- and it won't be out.

    But I guess they could possibly allow people to fit more storage one day, assuming the content could be made unusable anywhere else.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Speaking Freely,

    Will the $250 Freeview-HD set-top box give noticeably better pictures than the $190 non-HD Freeview-satellite box when viewed through a 29" glass-tube TV?

    Probably not. And satellite has the advantage of getting Stratos (and thus al-Jazeera) -- which hasn't yet forked over to go out via DTT.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pomp and Circumstance,

    Brash's minders persuaded him to try it once upon a time - probably the first step towards his becoming political dog tucker.

    I know this one!

    The "Brash" comment on Kiwiblog was actually written by John Ansell, who didn't check first with Richard Long. Long was furious. I thought it came off okay.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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