Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    perhaps that's the same for the works on the archive site? Unless everyone on board gets their full normal pay for the project then its only partial funding. if everyone did get their fully normal industry rate pay then there is an argument to say its a commissioned work. I doubt if it is this way in nz though.

    Most of the programmes will have been 100% funded by NZ On Air, the National Film Unit or whatever our public broadcaster was called at the time.

    For the NZOA content, the deal is that the producers retain the copyright. Even the other public content isn't entirely straighforward. TVNZ holds the copyright to older public TV, but the likes of Gloss is a minefield of residuals and individual actors' contracts. The only viable way to obtain that was to ask people to allow it to go forward on a non-commercial public good basis.

    If archives did want to make these culturally significant works available free to all nzers then they could look at buying the rights to the works, as the would with an item in a gallery.

    Not the same thing. A gallery that buys a work holds the copyright to it. And, frankly, the real-world commercial value of many older programmes is minimal, but buying those rights would be a nightmare. Happy to discuss this further, but I have a boarding call ..

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    The comedy central web site where I watch any daily show clips that I miss is much more annoying.

    The extent to which they've been able to break online video is remarkable. It's never worked well, but Viacom has succeeded in getting nearly all the Comedy Central content off YouTube, so it's the only option for web viewing.

    It's Flash, the same as YouTube, they just broke it.

    By contrast, MSNBC's Flash video rocks.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    if you could watch it seamlessly, it remembered where you were up to if you had to pop out and started again from where you left off next time, then it wouldn't matter which hard drive it was on, essentially it would be easy access to you.

    The video seems to be playing really well, apart from the odd issue for the likes of Richard.

    also if NZ paid content owners for use by their country then maybe you could download it. as it is we plead broke, call it culture and guilt the creators into putting our names on the guest list. (I'm guessing this is how it went own russell and will retract said slur if you say archives paid the owners).

    Rights owners and archives voluntarily licensed their work to us as a matter of public good, and they should be applauded for doing so.

    I'm familiar with this technique cos I conned my way onto many a guestlist in my youth.

    If of course said content was fully funded by the tax payer then that's completely cool, it belongs to us. we should be able to download it.

    Virtually everything on the site was fully funded by the taxpayer (or the licence fee payer), but copyright in NZ On Air-funded programmes rests with the producers, who are free to commercially exploit their work, with part of the receipts clawed back by NZ On Air. (I'm sure you wouldn't be keen on the government owning your master tapes if you took a recording grant.)

    A notable exception is Patu, which makes Merata Mita's decision to license the entire film even more laudable.

    Interesting point about Patu: I understand everything in the film was created for the purpose, rather than licensed in, because Merata was aware of the danger of copyright being used to block the film. Happily, this also made it simple for her to license the film to NZ On Screen.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: Choose life. Choose a job.…,

    Well, Turia's interview with Sean Plunket this morning was bizarre.

    She said she didn't know Sharples was in the paper this morning expressing a preference for Labour and then suggested that National's policy on abolishing Maori seats was better than Labour's stance that the seats couldn't be removed against the wishes of Maori, because at least you knew where you were with National.

    Both statements seemed to demand a robust follow-up from the interviewer, but Plunket instead started calling her by her first name and feeding her helpful lines.

    He may also have been tickling her bum with a feather, but I couldn't tell because it was radio.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    What about WMV? I recall that's the name of the Microsoft software... haven't heard of Silverlight, obviously I'm not the techiest person round here though!

    Silverlight is the new Microsoft video technology; WMV is the "old" one that's still pretty popular, but doesn't come with the toolbox that Flash does.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    I don't have the latest Flash the stie says... oddly I can view footage on YouTube for sure no problems, I go there to see stuff.

    Just update your Flash, it's pretty quick.

    I can NEVER use the TVNZ player, it just doesn't work. Maybe it's the latest Flash thing, tho I don't get a message to that effect, it just sucks.

    I'm damned if I know what's up with some people getting no result from TVNZ ondemand -- there are routing issues, and until this week the new DoubleClick ad-serving on the site was wrecking it on my Vodafone DSL. It's so cool not having ads on the ON Screen site.

    TV3's fine though!

    The 3News site sucked for a while -- I think they were using the new secure Flash server (you couldn't see an underlying file anywhere) but have rolled back to an older one (you can see a file) and now it works.

    I'd prefer to be able to download than view as you are, for something like this... no chance then I take it from that response, Russ B?

    Nope. Sorry, didn't mean to sound grumpy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    It really would be nice to be able to download the movies without an external application.

    And it'd be great to do it the way does, with downloadable MP4 files, but their content is public domain and Creative Commons -- ours, like most archive television, is festooned with rights and residuals. I'd have loved to have been able to offer at least the public broadcast content as Creative Commons downloads, but the world doesn't work that way yet.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    WTF? Flash player on the NZ On Screen site?
    Does anyone use that anymore?

    Oh, only YouTube, nearly all YouTube imitators, nearly all broadcaster websites, TVNZ ondemand, TV3, etc. It would not be going too far to say it's near ubiquitous.

    Why not Real Player/Quicktime and whatever the Microsoft program's called.

    RealPlayer is vile, and it was a huge relief when the BBC finally dumped it in favour of Flash. And Microsoft still doesn't seem able to get Silverlight to critical mass. QuickTime, much as I love it as a tool, is a terrible streaming solution.

    Flash sucks ass. Big time. Sorry to harp but that is disappointing. There should be options - am I missing something or is Flash player the only way to do it on the site?

    Um, have you tried the site? The video works really well. The video files are H.264-encoded and they look freakin' lovely.

    And yes, according to one estimate, 98% of all desktop internet users have the Flash plugin installed, and 82% have the latest version. Nothing else comes close for user base.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Busytown: Age cannot wither me,

    I was interviewed a while ago by an AUT journalism student, not really expecting the result to be published. The interview occupies the back page of this week's AUT newspaper. The last line is:

    "Not bad for a 46 year-old."


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: Choose life. Choose a job.…,

    I guess the only way out of that is Labour and National both having spine and saying "nope, sorry". Breath, I no hold.

    Leaving aside whether what the Maori Party announced means anything in a constitutional sense, it's much easier for Labour -- their position already is that the Maori seats can only be abolished with the consent of Maori (of, course, you can bicker about what that consent actually entails).

    Clark has, however, rejected out of hand Turia's bizarre demand that Maori (and on public policy terms that means anyone with any obvious Maori heritage) be by default registered on the Maori electoral roll when they turn 18.

    For National, entrenching Maori seats means overturning a policy they've reiterated for years -- and potentially alienating its own voters in the process.

    But if National were to cave on that one, it's a hell of a big trophy for the Maori Party leadership to take back to the stakeholders.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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