Posts by william blake
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The different responses from the police are probably down to having different cops running the investigation. In the Brash leak a reasonable cop thought yep that was probably a leak, in the case of Dirty Politics, the top cop probably hates Hagers' guts and may well have put his career in a cul de sac as a consequence.
Hager has never been attacked on the content or substance of his books.
As for scamming Slater: Well I'll be Fucked!
We live on a bush clad main road in West Auckland. It used to be we would meet the neighbours whenever there was a car crash, which was once or twice a week in winter and when ever it rained, for the rest of the year. Fortunately for the motorist the road has been fixed but the social side of disaster has palled. Stafford set up a community weeding group, which was pretty ineffective but a good get together in the local gardens and reserves. Stafford fell off a ladder earlier this year and died, Mark up the road has taken up his role but is more interested in trapping pests than the weed bags, a more solitary pursuit. There are other neighbours who we don't see much of but I know we can turn to for help and advice. Our immediate next-doors were a self contained unit, until the unit fell apart now they are moving on as the cost of living in Auckland is prohibitive with half a mortgage each.
We wonder who the new neighbours will be, we've had pot growers with mastiffs, who were sweetie pies once they knew we carried tux biscuits (the dogs, but come to think of it it may have worked on the owners too) A toothless, paranoid, amphetamine taking truck driver, a professional jazz drummer and the worst, a misanthropic curmudgeon from an old settler family. We think we will most likely get a young family as the schools are quite flash around here, possibly poms (Britirangi) but we dread the rental investment; "secluded with ample garaging", shouts clanlab to me.
I think home is defined by where you live with those you love, the people around you and how you share space and time together and how we negotiate difference and help each other out.
"I’m not seeing the source. It’s like mushrooms. "
Sometimes they clarify things other times they just make you cry, politicians and shrooms.
Hard News: After Len, in reply to
Yes Sacha , foolish of me to misunderstand the inproved ability of all those inner city folk to come out West and do some weeding.
Tom, balkanisation?, I see it as celebrating the different culture, geography, flora, fauna, etc of each part of the region, even micro climates.
If Neil Henderson has been throwing big pissups at the ratepayer expense Im bloody annoyed that we haven't been invited.
Russell "Auckland is a better place than it was five years ago."
Shaun " and things got better not worse after amalgamation. "
Examples please.
The Waitakere Local Board is going cap in hand for $30,000 to assist with community development for weed control. Verge maintenance once professional is now amateur, park edges once mowed are now sprayed with herbicide, pest management, possums, rats etc is increasingly dependant on community volunteers. How many billions are required for the inner city train set while the natural heritage of the region goes up the boohai.
It seems from this angle that while things may be looking up for the precincts (council speak) around head office, the rest of the region is having the taps slowly turned off.
Simon Wilson postulates that "if National could have found a suitable (mayoral) candidate they would have by now", I thought they had, in the form of Neo lib Phil Goff.
Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to
I have to differ from your call that it is women who are ultimately responsible for saving children from this fate. It's a male responsibility to stop perpetrating violence and to be wise and brave enough to intervene when abuse is taking place. Arohanui.
Thanks Russell, I look forward to this every page every week.
FWIW I am listening to Trinity Roots Citizen, on the digital equivalent of high rotate, it gets better with every listening.
Yay for Jane Kelsey ( although she is no longer forty)