Posts by william blake

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  • Hard News: Hug Reform,

    Hyper masculine hugs...give em a taste of kiwi.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown,

    . It’s not that we believe and absorb violence from pop culture it’s the fact that Brown does, and has enacted it, that makes him a criminal.

    If censorship is to be avoided then artists who have lost the boundary between violent fantasy and reality need to be rejected.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown,

    Dame Tariana Turias' stand on this issue seems to be based in a loving Christian gesture to a sinner. I heard her speaking of redemption on the wireless today in relation to Chris Brown. Well that's between him and God but no kind words for his victims, women and gay men who are lower in the Christian hierarchy.

    This would be a media storm in a teacup if it wasn't for the same thinking being behind Whanau Oras' family approach to domestic violence where the victim and perpetrator are compelled to meet and sort out their troubles.

    Redemption for the perpetrator at the expense of the victim via patriarchal bullshit.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Speaker: Rugby, Racing and Emotions,

    A mid period Monet, is that a bit like half time?

    My memories of rugby are a bit hazy due to being kicked in the face with a sprigged boot. I do remember my brother had his leg broken during a game once but this wasn't the namby- pamby game played in NZ this was proper English public school rugby where it's meant to be cathartic. After all your patents have sent you away to boarding school so someone has to take a beating to square things up what?

    Perhaps the whole colonial relationship with the mother country is why post war NZ worshipped such a horrible bully boy game.

    At least the professionalisation of the game has reduced the number of spinal injuries inflicted on players

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Speaker: Rugby, Racing and Emotions,

    The 2011 RWC cost the NZ taxpayer over $400,000,000. If that kind of cash was given to the arts then we would have some real culture.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Speaker: Misrepresenting Kiribati and…, in reply to Tinakori,

    Slam dunk. Is that a climate change joke?

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: The positive option of Red Peak, in reply to Sue,

    I think these are some of the questions that need to be acknowledged in the debate over a new flag.

    Constitutionally NZ/Aotearoa is bi cultural, composed of tangata whenua and manuhiri. And given that this constitutional fact is disputed and dishonoured I would say we aren't yet post colonial.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: The positive option of Red Peak, in reply to st ephen,

    Since this flag bullshit is ALL about the P.M.s' popularity any new flag is going to be divisive. It's the reverse of a revolution where a new flag is part of the change, any new flag is going to affirm the sovereignty of the National party. Next up electoral reform, one of the options will be having a monarch.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: On youthful indiscretions,

    By indignities men come to dignity.

    Francis Bacon.

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

  • Hard News: A better thing to believe in,

    Since Mar 2010 • 380 posts Report

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