Posts by Jake Pollock

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  • Hard News: Our new strategy is to FAIL,

    This Billboard article does a good job detailing some of the effects of eMusic's album pricing as described above. I'm trying to find some info on how many subscribers followed through on their threats and actually jumped ship.

    Also, apparently the 're-downloading' your music has caveats on it now.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Our new strategy is to FAIL,

    Oh God, please no. Not this again.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the nicest possible way,

    Not afraid of water pistols is Cameron Slater, no matter how realistic they look.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Our new strategy is to FAIL,

    I subscribed to eMusic with an American credit card, and didn't experience limitations on the catalogue availability, but I still closed my account when the price rises were announced. I was paying $20 a month for 75 downloads -- they then told me the great news that I'd be paying the same money for 50 downloads. Album pricing or not, I wasn't going to wear that kind of price rise being sold to me as great news.

    I really miss it though -- I always looked forward to the day my subscription rolled over. Nothing like starting a new month with a swag of new, legally gained tunes.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the nicest possible way,

    No no no Robyn, there is only one way to take Joy Division, and that is VERY SERIOUSLY.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Speaker: About That Telescope,

    Broadcast is a little trickier, but I hear that media show on TVNZ 7 has its moments ;-)

    Not according to this report:

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    I wasn't talking about the GOP organisation so much as the primary voters who will eventually decide these kinds of things. There's an incredibly strong strain of the 'Protestant work ethic' amongst the Republican voting base that, as many other people have said, will take the 'she quit her last job, why give her this one?' line of argument very very seriously, as long as there's another candidate with real conservative credentials around.

    Of course, she'll have a base of support amongst the hardcore social conservatives, but I wouldn't be surprised if even that eroded over time because of this.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Fearless?,

    We have nothing to fear but flying on an Airbus?

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    Yeah, that rather bizarre basketball analogy in the press conference suggested that the Vanity Fair article sounded alarums for her, and that she intended to run. Who knows? Still, I'm glad the 2012 election campaign is finally underway, these last 7 months have been unbearably void of speculation about candidacies.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    Is the bet that she'll compete in the primaries, or actually be nominated? Either way, I think you're on safe ground if you said it wasn't going to happen. Even the few Republicans that are left don't tend to like people that leave their jobs a year and a half early.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

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