Posts by Jake Pollock

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  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    In that case, I shall impatiently await my
    'So. Farewell
    Sarah Palin'.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    Ah, I see it is being discussed with rancour in t'other thread. Carry on then.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    Heroin was once marketed as a cure for morphine addiction.

    Swallowing spiders was once regarded as a very useful way of catching flies, if the songs we sung at my primary school are anything to go by.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Michael Jackson: A Life?,

    I think I'm going to have to start working on an evil laughter at this point.

    I think you can at least muster and appropriately mischievous giggle.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Just a Glitch,

    I'm reminded of a tri-nations cricket series in Aussie in... 2001? NZ stopped trying to get close in a (already lost) game against South Africa so that they could lose by a bonus point (about 50 runs), and deny Aussie the second final spot (against NZ). Wouldn't catch Stephen Fleming not knowing exactly what he wanted to do on the field to achieve the desired result.

    Except in that case it was a stupid thing to do, because we had been beating Australia throughout the series and losing to South Africa, and ended up losing the final by a pretty large margin.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    I do worry about that Steven. I have a Time Machine like Russell, but there's been a spate of burglaries around here recently, and I can't imagine the burglars would be kind enough to leave it behind when they nick the laptop.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    Although it's not a great back up tool unless you pay them US$5 a month (for reasons), Evernote is very useful for academic work. It's note-keeping software that is tag-able, searchable, and syncs online so you can access it from any computer with web access, as well as iPhones and Blackberries. It can also search photos for text.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: What to Do?,

    The reason is 100 years from now no one answering the census will be alive and we'll really want to know the answers to these questions.

    This is true, but on the other hand historians are going to have a field day with this whole argument in years to come, so watch what you say here as you'll probably end up in a PhD thesis in 2034.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Island Life: Driving around Mt Eden,…,

    Steven, I'm intrigued. How did the sea cure you?

    The salt. It's a wonderful preservative.


    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

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