Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Really The Blues, in reply to DexterX,

    Your'e right DexterX. They aren't way off the mark. They lost to the Crusaders on a horse shit penalty against Ranger where he apparently didn't join a tiny ruck from the back when that's exactly what he did, they beat the Bulls away (no easy feat), and lost to the Hurricanes with the last play of the game. And haven't been dealt to in any of their other games but we expect better right? 1 win from 7 games is diabolical in a stat sense.

    They should be winning games and winning them well.

    Their confidence is shot and I think that they are putting in 100% effort but it's that desperate, wide eyed, headless chook type effort that anybody who has played sport can probably relate to. At any level you need to put in 100% effort combined with composure and confidence to get the result you're after.

    The confidence will come after a win. So they probably need some composure in the meantime.

    Who says sport's for boofheads?!!!!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Really The Blues,

    The Nonu, Weepu thing is a red herring. Nonu is digging in. Weepu is out of shape and not starting but they've still got Mathewson (who freakin hates Weepu I hear) who was their halfback last year when they made the semi's.

    Their problem that I see is that the forward pack aren't that good. Certainly not playing cohesively and positionally as they should be and the backs are playing panicky rubbish.

    It's all down to coaching IMO.

    And looking further away from that the entire organisation + the Auckland provincial team has been terribly run in the past 5 or so years. Tom's anecdote above really does sum it up nicely. They thought they just had to waltz along, hands in pockets as stars came up into their sides and won them titles.

    But in the past 15-20 years more and more 2nd and 3rd tier club players have left Auckland to Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Northland etc to play which has weakened Auckland club rugby considerably, and more and more of the top young talent is getting poached before they get pulled into the Auckland rugby setup.

    And now the arse has fallen out out Blues and Auckland crowds and they aren't winning ANYTHING so they aren't an attractive proposition to the younger talent....

    It all requires an enormous overhaul.

    But it's an incestuous, semi-professional setup so I don't hold out hope. It requires serious hunger and desperation for success because the sport has gone reasonably professional in many senses (though still only half hearted by real standards) and there are so many other provinces and Super 15 franchises that haven't tasted a great deal of success historically and so they desperately seek it, leaving Auckland with dust in its eyes.

    True story.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Really The Blues,

    Yep, I've wasted plenty of words on the useless Blues organisation recently. They allowed themselves to become so complacent in the past decade that their ship has sailed and sunk. Dalton is astonishingly still in a job.

    Head across town to the Warriors RB.

    They are well run from the bottom to the top and Auckland Rugby League is meshing in nicely with them.

    And what's best, they are poaching all the really good 1st XV talent around now too and if they don't come through the Warriors Toyota Cup side they go off to one of the other Toyota Cup sides. There's roughly 300 NZers playing first grade, NSW Cup or Toyota Cup now. There's money in dem der hills.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Review: Lana Del Rey, 'Born…,

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Staying Alive,

    PS, if we are going to constantly compare Auckland with other cities in terms of road layout it would be useful to compare it with other cities that have two large harbours and a narrow isthmus, 50+ dormant volcanoes, two mountain ranges to the west and east, and an undulating terrain.

    The only way to realistically make cycling safe is to have a separate lane for cyclists that has a barrier eliminating cars, like in the Netherlands youtube example above, or else like those in China where the cyclists do their thing down their separated tree lined lane and the cars do their thing in theirs. The first thing I saw when my plane landed in Beijing in 2001 as we taxied towards the terminal was a road next to the airport with a dozen cyclists cruising up it and no cars in sight, and when we drove about in Beijing over the following days the car to bike ratio was about 10 to 1. 10 bikes that is. I'm sure it's nothing like that now but it's apples and oranges to compare. To trasform Auckland into some kind of cycling oasis would cost about 20 squizilliontrillion dollars and the money would probably be better spent on ejukashun or something like that.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Staying Alive,

    Having been "doored" I guess I'm less charitable. I don't for a second doubt there is no legal case to answer and that the judge made the only decision he could. But I don't feel able to say the same about the driver, drivers simply don't think about what is behind them when they open their car door and while it is always possible this is the one driver in a hundred who really did look, I'd don't find myself believing that

    I'm skipping pages 2-8 of this discussion so don't know what has followed but this claim of one in a hundred needs a straw poll because I ALWAYS check my mirror before opening my door when parking on a street.

    IMO if there is an adjacent cycle lane on a footpath it should be illegal to be riding on the road. As a car driver it is enough to be worried about other cars, trucks and busses on the road without worrying about cyclists when there are also cyclists riding along the footpath next to you amongst others.

    And I am an occasional recreational cyclist, albeit one who rides on the footpath wherever possible. I'll take my chances in court after injuring a walker on the footpath over being driven to Waikumete after being flattened by a couple of tonnes of metal on a road.

    When I am riding along the road and past parked cars I treat every door as one about to open. People talk about defensive driving but defensive riding is far more important because I can T-bone a car at 50km and walk away singing talula, but do the same on my bike and somebody is singing Hallelujah at a gathering I'm only loosely invited to.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Review: Lana Del Rey, 'Born…,

    I had only vaguely heard of her before, and I'd seen the Video Games video on TV once or twice. But the music is OK and I don't really give a stuff who wrote it and how organised it is these days. I would have more in the past. I guess it's the whole deception thing.

    For some reason this 'issue' is making me think of this recent Grantland (Bill Simmons is the man) article analysing the Royal Rumble.

    Bit random, but something to do with the whole fake passed off as real but then it's kind of real anyway.

    I'm also stuck on the ball tickling line. I encourage such use of words.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: #BDOMemories,

    A few interesting details in here:
    Such as the Lees and West not being the greatest of buddies, Aussie leg of the tour subsidising the Auckland BDO for a while now it seems. And possibly branching out into Asia.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: #BDOMemories,

    Which was the one where the dude came down the flying fox dressed in a superman getup with, from memory, a female on the flying fox with him and with the extra weight they slammed into the platform at the end of the line rather than coming to a stop above it? I think that was the end of that particular ride that day.

    Was that 96 or 99?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Association of Community…, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    Whenever I come across something I know about, I tend to notice things that have been gotten wrong...

    Yep. I had fairly intimate knowledge of the bullying stories covered by a TV program that shall remain nameless last year but rhymed with Ramble Jive that was filled from start to finish with over the top sensationalism, rampant bias, distortions, unfairness, and complete and utter wankery. For starters.

    I can now no longer believe anything that that program airs so do not watch a second of it.

    Save the bollocks for news and current events shows and other MSM that don't have enough time and resources to find the truth. Even if Joe Blogs and Joeline Blings can find it in a 2 minute google search. And why is it that the TV journalists on the ground appear to be under unstruction to F people over to manufacture a pre conceived story as opposed to find out the truth or LEARN something?

    As an side here's a freakin news story from Yahoo NZ News that's a straight PR release FFS that I stumbled across today:

    I may as well email them and let them know I'm having some mates around to play pool, shoot some darts and talk a load of shit for 5 hours. They'll probably run it in their entertainment section.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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