Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Merry Christmas, Blossoms, in reply to Christopher Dempsey,

    will turn into the largest Pohutukawa you've ever seen and your new house will suffer. That or religiously prune it every year and place a caveat on the title to that effect so each new homeowner has to do the same.

    Sorry to be grinch like, but trees grow. Big. Very Big.

    It's all good. I've planted a few thousand trees and plants already and grew up on a farm/bush block so have located it well away from anything it might bother in coming decades. What's more of a worry is the bloody maple tree that was planted next to the driveway and is now proceeding to rip it up in slow motion!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Merry Christmas, Blossoms,

    Oh and Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you fooled santa once again ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Merry Christmas, Blossoms,

    The smallish Pohutakawa I planted out the front of our new house at the start of the year just started flowering about 3 or 4 days ago and should have most of it's flowers out by Christmas Day. The botanic gardens have a pretty awesome row of them down the path through the main building. A special breed that flowers profusely.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Word of the Year 2011 -- The Vote!,

    Did munted become common in chch this year? And if so was it through the media or just local spread of word? I can't say I've heard ANYBODY in my Auckland walk of life use it this year. And I'm a Westie (+ Westie high school teacher). I've been using it myself for donkeys years and still use it to imply really drunk or broken but can't say I hear many others use it and I had no idea why it was even on the list until I read posts here.

    I went for RWC2011, nek minnit and ghost chips. Cliched, but then that's kind of what this is all about I guess.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Democracy Night,

    Of course there could be some outrageous happenings which tip everything upside down BUT I'm basing those predictions on things trucking along as they usually do in the political world and with Key at the helm for the next 6 years or so. If you look at most MMP elections the signs for what was going to happen were there at the previous elections in terms of Labour and Nationals momentum.

    What might happen next time is National drop a few points making it very difficult for them to form a government without making a lot of concessions to a lot of parties who have more seats in parliament.

    This time round should be fairly plain sailing unless specials took a couple of seats off them and gave them to the Greens and Labour (unlikely).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Democracy Night,

    Did National win the 2008 election because they just seemed like such a great party with a great message or because people were sick of Labour?

    National will win the 2014 election but by a smaller margin, then in 2017 people will be well and truly sick of National and enough of their previous 'swing' voters will decide to give Labour a crack.

    It's much more simple than we think. Sure, a lot of hard work will go in by all parties behind the scenes and up on stage but at the end of the day some people who don't pay much attention just have a ticking political clock in the back of their brains that does their voting for them.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Last Words,

    @Steven, I received a text telling me I won 400,000 pounds from the UK lottery today. All I have to do is email somebody to get it.

    I'm so stoked. I've already bought a Ferrari and a kilogram of cocaine.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Last Words,

    Remember people. Don't Vote Drunk.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: Casual, Shallow and Meaningless,

    What would be some good ice breakers that aren't of the How are you?, What do you do variety?

    What's your favourite position?
    Were you bullied as a child?
    Do you own any sex toys?
    Global warmings all shit aye?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: Casual, Shallow and Meaningless, in reply to BenWilson,

    I tend to actually enjoy seeing what useful information I can get out of cabbies if they won't shut up. There's so many directions you can take a conversation that aren't their boring hobby horse.

    I don't get many taxi's in Auckland because I'm too broke to go out much on the piss but most of the times I've caught one I've had immigrants from war torn places like Iraq, or the other night Somalia so I'm usually interrogating them about their life there and how they find life here.

    I really should leave them alone.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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