Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: That page doesn't exist ...,

    Why does this not surprise me?. When will Housing New Zealand be put up for "partial" privatisation? after all it's only a landlord now with no social responsibility.
    The attitude of this bunch of asshats makes me ashamed to be human. The downright dishonesty leaves me slackjawed with astonishment, these rightwing nutjobs are the first to claim Christian values but then will palm off the responsibility of government to the "Faith Based" organisations, the likes of Mr Heatley obviously have no "faith" themselves or they would be petrified of "meeting their maker"

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Southerly: Village People, in reply to BenWilson,

    escaping the crowded squalor as Charles Dickens wrote of.That’s a looong hangover. I think the mythology of escape from overcrowding has persisted, though. As if the poverty of Dickens’ time were a function of overcrowding alone,

    There is more to this than has been mentioned.
    There was this little thing called Enclosure which, in simple terms, removed the right of people to use the land, commoners using common land, to grow food, graze stock and generally have access to the necessities of life. One of the results of Enclosure was the removal of the means to exist without money, taxes were still paid but usually in goods or service. This left the landless commoner with no real alternative but factory work and other work for payment and therefore a slave to the mighty dollar.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Southerly: Village People, in reply to Russell Brown,

    You’re not the first to muse that Christchurch really needed the old Ministry of Works and its power to command resources. Many of the MoW’s old roles have become specialised and may be more suited now to contracted-in machinery like the big blue thing that added the lanes to the Newmarket Viaduct. But imagine how Christchurch might have used the men and machines from our great public works projects.

    Don't be silly man, you know that the public sector is only wasteful and inefficient and that private enterprise is the sensible, nay proper, way to do things.
    Power companies, for instance, can only make power more efficiently by allowing more people to take profits. The quality of buildings will improve by making it impossible for people to become builders without first being registered with a private licensing authority and encouraging developers by removing the costly "red tape" of the RMA.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    Just dug this up from Music Business News, January 28, 2012

    The dramatic shut-down of Megaupload and arrest of its founder Kim “Dotcom” last week may not have entirely been about piracy, according reports in a variety of publications, including TechCrunch and Time magazine...
    ...many sources speculate it was actually the impending launch of Megabox that added the most fuel to the fire, as Dotcom himself had described the service as a major iTunes competitor.

    And This from

    According to AP, US prosecutors blocked access to Megaupload and charged seven men, saying the site facilitated millions of illegal downloads of movies, music and other content. Notice the word facilitated which comes straight from the vocabulary of Big Content.

    So who are the Mega Conspirators again?.
    Good luck Kimbo, I, for one, will be looking forward to your next party.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Capture: Roamin' Holiday, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    The boxes reportedly date back to 1935 when the site was used by the Midland Bank.

    Joy Division and New Order were around back then?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to nzlemming,


    I have great respec' for the Grudinad, more so than some other heralds that I care not to mention.
    As others may note, I have little respect for the purveyors of emotive trash for cash.
    I just watched "Descendants"* one of the best movies I have seen in years.
    * it was a SAG only copy that came from the tubes, funny how the actors ain't that worried about returns for the studio.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    And this from the Grauniad story...

    "As a result of illegal downloads, young, emerging artists may have had their careers damaged. If you have illegally downloaded music, you will have damaged the future of the music industry."

    Er, yeah. What absolute bollocks.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Capture: Go Postal with Ian Dalziel,


    It’s worse than that, it’s dead Jim…

    ETA I'm a bit slow today.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Capture: Go Postal with Ian Dalziel,

    What could possibly go wrong… : – )

    Going Postal
    Well, somebody had to be a pendant and nail their colours to the masthead...
    and while I am here looking at masthead banners, what is it with the MMP review thing? are they implying that they will take to our nuts with a spanner to make us like our "sexy" PM More
    I for one...
    Complete this sentence and post on one of Ian's post cards to an MP of your choice.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Television and the Public Good, in reply to merc,

    A Tory will always be a Tory (spellcheck says capitalise!) I guess.

    Bloody Capitalists.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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