Posts by Sacha
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He's not that kind of guy.
Yes, I found it amazing that they had footage of the moment she found out - chilling. That's one mediated life, and it's still not that common.
We have a little way to go before Evernote lives up to the promise of Continuity in William Gibson's Neuromancer trilogy.
News by the union movement, I guess. Nice to see you in these parts, Alastair.
That's an alarmingly accurate if caustic assessment o the canon, to be sure.
And who would play her?
Red, Pils
or Blue, Pils
Bugger. Peter's post, not Mark's.
A proud history.
Christ, that was a Wendy Petrie moment. Is it just me or are tv1's newsreaders getting even more prone to telling us how we should feel/think after stories?
But ye cannae extinguish the whisky gene - or there'd be no section 92 mischief making.
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