Posts by Sacha
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And lawyers charge for time-wasting by the minute..
The choice is entirely arbitrary
Exactly - does not affect my reading one lil bit. Maybe pendantry is an ingredient of making stupid laws?
Hey third is still damned fine, considering the size of the crowd. Congratulations, sir.
enough space dedicated
Hell yeh. I thought you had made us a meta-thread - about the process rather than the well-worn content. And it's a whole week since we met. Right, another drink.
Let's whip some ass !
And I just wanted to get that in before the webstock crowd come over..
What kind of fool am I?
A twit , prehaps?
It also killed the piano industry
I just wanted to see that in quotes. As you were.
Or a male model.. :)
What Simon said.
Chaps and periodicals..
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