Posts by Danielle
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Lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you
A mini-riot broke down the front doors of the theatre while the police looked on (wisely, btw), the place was a couple of thousand over capacity, and we emerged to discover that someone had been shot in the foyer after we'd gone in.
The mildly douchey shoving drunken dudes at the Bressa Creeting Cake show on Friday seem pathetic in comparison! (I moved well out of their paths anyway.)
Danielle actually giving birth at the Pixies could trump that.
Black Francis has had so many kids he could probably deliver little homey himself.
I'm sooo tempted to answer that question at epic length.
Feel free! Just don't expect me to understand anything you say. I am a deeply shallow thinker.
But you'll still miss the Pixies.
Don't *say* shit like that, man! I am living in a crazy dreamworld where the kidlet is precisely two days late and I am able to utilise my already-purchased ticket for the nana seats. Do you know how long I have been waiting to see this band? Twenty years. TWENTY. YEARS.
- holidays are coming up shortly. Don't spoil them for me by having to think about next year. It could be a shitstorm.
Sorry. The person with whom I share my house is in the same boat.
Or leave them to get angry and close the wealth gap with AK47s.
Well, there's that theory that welfare provisions are deliberately miserly, but carefully arranged by the powers-that-be so that they aren't miserly *enough* to cause armed revolution... it's a fine line to walk!
But are you actually from Naenae? That's the real question.
First the Pixies are playing the day after my due date, then Islander invites us all to the Big O. Fate, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you? (Or is that a tautology?)
targeting doctors' and pharmaceutical subsidies to the lower paid.
Look. I have spent the last six months gloating (unconscionably, probably) to Americans about most of our prescriptions costing three dollars. Stop *trying to make our system more like the shitty American one*, you idiots!
all-powerful teacher unions
And it seems pretty clear that they're spoiling for a fight over pay with the teachers next year. Joy.
You'll forgive me, Danielle, if I choose not to take your little homilies to heart. Like Giovanni, you probably have little idea of just how condescending your tone can be.
Dude, I know *exactly* how condescending my tone can be. I calibrate all my PAS posts extra specially using my Condescending-Homilies-Meter! I bought it on Amazon.
(Incidentally, you're currently being a douche, but it's OK: I won't be snarking at you a week from now in some other thread. You're welcome.)
How is posting a Duran Duran video expected to ease the tension in the air?
Because laughing at Simon Le Bon is hugely relaxing!
It was the tone.
Maybe I'm just a hard-faced old meanypants with a crappy douchebaggery-dar, but I re-read that thread this morning and was completely nonplussed. Was that mild little contretemps really worth holding a week-long thread-crossing grudge that comes screaming out of the wild blue yonder? Seriously, that way lies madness for a community like this one, peeps. Have it out at the time, or don't have it out at all.
Moreover, Giovanni had spent quite a long time articulating his Gage-related arguments in his (linked, I believe?) blog post, so he wasn't 'trading on his status' so he didn't have to make an argument, or whatever Joe's theory was. Weak sauce.