Posts by Danielle
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Have we had this bloody full moon yet, or what? I'm getting a little twitchy at the high levels of Holy WTF in this thread.
minaret-coddling agenda
We've stumped Google phrase search again!
the PAS elite
Oh FFS. 'Rules' for contributing usefully to PAS (and life) in a nutshell: a) don't be disingenuous; and b) don't be a douchebag. It's not that hard. (ETA: obviously, feel free to be a disingenuous douchebag if you like - far be it from me to dictate anyone's actions on the interwebs. But if you do that, you're going to get mocked, because that's how things work.)
I mean, what 'points' has Andrew made, from which we're 'distracting'? That there aren't enough plumbers round these parts? Really? REALLY? That's something we're supposed to take seriously and actually rebut, as if it makes sense? Yeah, no. Not happening. (Or, on preview, let's just read Rich's post above mine, and giggle.)
Oh god.
Indeed. </Omar>
you cant tell the difference between a troll and a troll baiter
You can here, because one guy is ranting on about what a bunch of arsewipes we all are, and everyone else is reacting with bemusement, laughter or irritation. It's fairly clear.
No, sorry, it doesn't qualify you as a real New Zealander.
Wait! I've got something! When I was a kid I used to visit my great-auntie's farm in Invercargill and sometimes I helped drench the sheep and was a rousie! You can't get more Real New Zealander than that, surely?
Huh. I was not aware that 'smörgåsbord' has an umlaut. (Or, indeed, one of those circle-thingies.)
Andrew is of the 'cute but boring and repetitive' school of Angry Flailing, isn't he? Dude, you're going to have to start saying something different at some point, surely?
(And just because we seem to be noting these things: I have no practical skills whatsoever in the electrical and plumbing department, but I'm a good cook. Can I beat anyone in the real-New-Zealander-off with that sort of limited skillset?)
so called academics,socialists,idealists, eccentric gay uncles, expired record label managers, the great unwashed, people who claim to have a monopoly on intelligence
I am crushed that 'feminazi' didn't make that list. Marginalised again!
it was clear what they were trying to say to women
My interpretation of the Lisa ad:
"Dear Ladies,
Our culture is insistent that you are in charge of other people's penises whether you are drunk, sober, promiscuous, celibate, in trackies, or in a corset. But we just wanted to let you know that if you're drunk, you totally deserve it, even more than the sober chicks.
ALAC"Yeah. See, I don't think that's what they were trying to say. But that's what they said. Still hugely pissed off by that ad.
collapse into an incredulous cluster fuck of disapproval
There's nothing I love more than *edgy* anonymous guys who make rape and domestic violence jokes, Brickley and dubmugga. So. Hot.
If it had insufficient THC levels, then he might well have had a good argument.
That's a point! Although I imagine that the legal system in Texas is a little less amenable to good arguments than the legal system in NZ might be.
ETA: For example, another friend was arrested and locked up for the night merely for saying 'I smell bacon'.
15 seeds in a matchbox in the glovebox he didnt know was there
A stoner friend of ours in Texas got busted for marijuana in his glovebox, and his indignant defence was 'but officer, it's shitty pot!' He honestly thought the lack of quality would be reason enough to get him off. Heh.
Not as scary as Sophia Loren
This. So this. The freakiest thing about her is the boobage: she is a well-endowed lady who does not appear to sag in any way! She has clearly made a soul-selling pact with either the devil himself or god's own corsetiere.