Posts by Sacha
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Call in an airstrike. Seems only fair.
Back to Gaza (and thanks for making a thread for it so we don't interrupt the holiday/travel stories):
I/S, thanks for the link. Great summary.
Gary Kamiya has a thoughtful piece about the US's special treatment of Israel.
Because Israel came into existence in the shadow of the Holocaust, and because it was immediately attacked by Arab states bent on destroying it, it has become an eternal victim in America's eyes.
The historical truths of Israel's creation, above all the fact of Palestinian dispossession, simply cannot compete with the tragic, beautiful myth of an embattled people, the survivors of one of the worst genocides in human history, returning to live in their historic homeland.
Brown Sugar- that's the one.
I thought I'd been doing quite well really, and I plan to go right back to talking to the other nice folk here. In general I'm happy to ignore stupidity, but not when it's thrust in my face every few minutes. Polluting this space with repetitive and wilful ignorance affects all of us. Drawing your attention to this every few months is hardly a "hissy fit", but I'm sure describing it that way makes you feel a whole lot better. As you were.
A company putting these ideas into practice
Not that I'm belittling the contribution of good thinking as opposed to doing more of the same old things as the world changes around us.
As Mr Grigg noted a page ago:We are re-writing everything at the moment and are in the early stages, in every field, of a revolution as big as the wheel.
For those who are interested in that, I recommend Clay Shirky's Here Comes Everybody as a pleasant summary. Please chip in with other good references.
Online, distribution is production. There's bugger all point debating this issue with someone who just refuses to understand the difference between physical and virtual product, Dubber's "atoms and bits", or as I think Negroponte described it "atoms and electrons".
Dubber's piece begins (for those who haven't gone there):
1) You’re not giving away music, you’re giving away RECORDINGS of your music;
2) Don’t try to make money from your music, make money BECAUSE of your music;
3) Economics works differently for bits than it does for atoms.
That's a pretty good summary, including the last point.
a device restricting the way you chew those nuts afterwards
Now that I'd like to see. Maybe our Steven Crawford could knock us up a prototype?
Bloody good cafe in Taihape I recall - down a side street.
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