Posts by Sacha
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industrial-strength cool
I noticed the Fran mindburp but in the interests of seasonal goodwill didn't even discuss it with family. It's a triumph of confused black-and-white thinking, exemplified by this gem:
the frontier mentality that led my forbears to be proudly self-reliant and adamantly against government dependence
Why must proud self-reliance accompany opposition to government dependence? I know my own grandparents easily managed to hold one of those positions without the other, and you'd expect if the welfare state had been widely unpopular it would have been turfed out by a subsequent government. Pah.
As my nephews learned the hard way yesterday, cleaning hot tar off their soles before it's tracked onto carpets means either eucalyptus oil or in its absence, petrol.
But they wouldn't even mention that much if she were a farmer or office worker..
Hey when it's that absurd it's hardly enough to induce anger..
Or Parnell :)
Lolnui - linger, you are a joy.
Steven, I simply want to reassure you that I always understand what you are saying, and I like your honesty. Wish I could say that about my own writing sometimes. I hope PAS is improving it.
81st, I was taken by the inspired "nappies at dawn" tag, but yes those handles are just crap. At least your nick has some intrigue - unlike "CustyDaughterofMediocrity" or "Wewishyouabumperlicious". I did wonder if the whole story was a pisstake.
Whaleoil - now there's masochism!
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