Posts by Sacha
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Mark, I don't know the language or the cultural implications but does that phrase amount to:
global reduction in value (melting gold), which is at the same time
a hidden systematic opportunity (machine = system?) as opposed to a purely individual one? -
Not walking down any steps, then..
Ah but would you be prepared to move to the arid wastelands of Epsom?
it's a complete nonsense that TV networks can get copyright in their programme listings and then stop anyone else from recreating them
Seems completely inconsistent with not being able to copyright things like forms or bus timetables. Any comment from our legal brethren?
But "gargling with venom" is an inspired phrase nonetheless.. :)
Danielle, you've reactivated that spectacularly successful earworm again..
Aha! So you have some goods on them.
Or they on him.. :)
I already said Yay on another thread, but it bears repeating.
Mark, if they're bullshitting then they're doing it three or four times more than the superbowl folks are. :)
Hang on, how can the RWC be the third biggest event in the world?
Look, it surprised me too. However, let's just check tv coverage for a couple of those other events (remembering that RWC claims 3 to 4 billion) -
some important matches can attract over 200 million TV audience
NFL press releases have stated that recent Super Bowls have been available to potential audiences of approximately one billion worldwide, although independent studies suggest that the average global viewership is just over 100 million
Obviously there are are other factors like live audience numbers, merchandising and so on. Someone who's more motivated can check the rest - but it seems unlikely that the RWC organisers and hangers on would make such a bold claim if it was dead easy to disprove.
As to the "benefits" and who should pay for them, I tend to agree with you.
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