Posts by Sacha
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Craig, I'm hearing unhappiness, but not really bitterness - and certainly not the rude boo-ing your partyfolk gave tonight at the mention of the demoness Helen.
Steve has been drinking?
Has Taslov been hiding out in Howick the whole time? :)
Now he has just suggested he might try a photo of Obama's dog and see if that satisfies the kids
I hope that's not a metaphor..
lame arguments refuted
It just gets better..
Especially 11.50pm. Brulliant. :)
LOL! Comedy gold in its own right
I vote Robyn to live-blog everything from now on.
__Our main strengths as a nation are food production and scenery__
The problem wasn't that he said that, the problem is that he's proud of it.
And if that's Key's idea of "amibition" then we're royally stuffed. I'm hoping otherwise.
But I want to know what Williamson is slipping into the Pakuranga water
He's been promisin them that fast broadband again. Just like last time he was in charge..
Sorry, Mark. Buy you a drink next time I'm in Waikanae. My bro used to be in your soccer club and fire brigade.
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