Posts by Sacha
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just saying the words "Rugby World Cup" to a politician causes severe brain damage, and the compulsion to start spraying around corporate welfare
Champagne? I'm unclear what they intend to do with the "ambitious" plans for a world class city. Thinking of the televised attention of the third largest event on the planet in a few years does raise questions about how much you need to invest to make sure you reap the benefits, so I suppose they're right in not cutting those particular budgets. Must be tempting though.
Well, Craig. Or they could cut something other than catching up on fixing dodgy footpaths and sewage pipes or building swimming pools for the folk of Otahuhu and Avondale.
Things are in a bad state because Auckland's citizens persist in electing people who keep the rates down short term by not spending enough on basic maintenance - as evidenced by the bobbing turds in some bays after a downpour or whenever a senior citizen trips on the way to the corner dairy. It's like saving money by not painting your house. After a few decades the rot gets pretty expensive..
So I can have fibre to the doorstep, but the council won't repair the footpath after Telecom dig it up?
Ben, I'm sure the old CitRats would love to sell the footpaths to Telecom, given half a chance..
That's sterling advice from your mother, Kyle - good on her. It's sad that the system subsequently tends to label such parents as troublemakers when it really leaves them no other choice.
After the recent social services select committee inquiry into disability services (PDF, 236k) there seemed to be a pretty good cross-party consensus that more funding for advocates was needed - instead of disabled people or families always having to play bad cop. Life just doesn't need to be that tough, and if the pollies want to fix some broken bureaucracy then I'd start there.
if you've got any evidence that John Key was involved in any fiscal chicanery
Craig, I'm not on the woe-is-us bandwagon but you're trying way too hard here. Key does not need your defense of his proudly proclaimed role in creating new forms of chicanery - including the dodgy derivatives and suchlike that are intimately linked with the global money mess. That was just his job, perfectly justified in that worldview (as Bart's friend might attest).
Now we can talk about dung being good for growing gardens but it's disingenuous to pretend Key's hands aren't dirty. I can certainly understand people not trusting that the poacher has reformed. I am surprisingly optimistic that it won't matter in the end - and perhaps you and I can agree on that.
And I suspect the Soul crowd overlooking the sparkling Viaduct on a Sunday arvo has less sleazy wideboys than the early hours of a Friday.
I agree a guest post would be good. Ben, your assumption about ready access to specialist assessment is sadly untrue. Even that part of the process is horribly underfunded and often requires persistent advocacy from parents.
Simon, fair call about the diversty of your industry. Sorry.
If you want us to consider the industries as having any more-enlightened players than the industry bodies, rein the fuckers in
What Matthew said. I want creators to be successful and to be fairly rewarded. I want viable industries - and socially motivated forms of cultural exchange for those less motivated my money.
But I'm not personally in a position to make that happen right now. So for those who are, get on with it, and tell us how to play our part. Just don't be all Canute about it, and don't come whining here when your colleagues are behaving like protectionist shits. Go sort them out.
Rob, it's listening - not typing - that is your problem. Slow down and think before you write.
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