Posts by stephen clover

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  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    He said he was particularly concerned about one chatlog entry which referred to her prepared to have intercourse with six men from Ireland who wanted to travel to the woman's home

    For a while there I was beginning to suspect that the judge/prosecution developed their concerns about the credibility of the victim NOT because she was prepared to have intercourse with six men, but because they were from Ireland.

    * drum hit *

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Random Play: He bangs the drum,

    And I'm sure looking forward to the drumming during the Echo and The Bunnymen set next week at Laneways. Pete De freitas, who died at 27 in a car accident, will be sorely missed.

    Echo and most of the Bunnymen playing on Jools Holland Oct '09:

    bugger can't remember YouTube embed codes

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Will the Da Vinci Code last as long as Pride and Prejudice?

    I've always thought that The Da Vinci Code would be seen historically kinda like Chariots of the Gods, or Peyton Place. However lately I suspect it may be something more akin to Sherlock Holmes, or Victor Hugo or Jules Verne or something.

    By the way I changed my avatar to one which I thought was much more interesting in the context of this thread*. And I also didn't want to offend Paul Litterick (again).

    (*it's actually some kind of a robot thing by UK design wizard Edward Maddison, drawn as the cover art for one of my old albums.)

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    By respected recognisers

    Or gatekeepers, if you will.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Craig: you are much more tolerant than I. I much much prefer the 1981 version, for almost innumerable reasons. This latest one has Jason Priestly in it as Coker, ffs; and unfortunately I found Eddie Izzard unbearably hammy. And the triffids are awful, awful, Z-grade stuff.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,


    (Side-note: the BBC is remaking Day of the Triffids as a mini-series with Eddy Izzard. Be very afraid?)


    Not necessarily. The re-make of Survivors (whose second series debuts in the UK next month) wasn't the total bum-bang I was expecting

    Oh dear.

    Oh dear.

    Yes, be very afraid. I have seen it, and it's abominable. How I longed for a triffid to happen along and lash out my eyes with it's terrible sting, poison me to death, guard my corpse for several days until I rotted, and then eat me... just to end my suffering.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    But what does ZOMG mean?

    Let me google that for you... :p

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    You sad boys :)

    Hey! Hands up who WOULDN'T love the chance to sit in some kind of throne drinking out of a skull cup like some kind of prehensile dwarf king or troglodyte or something.......

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Craig: thanks for linking to that Cactus Kate and so on "scandal"/whatever. I missed that at the time. Most entertaining. I particularly enjoyed Russell:

    Just got another call from a Herald reporter wondering if I'd like further confirmation from himself and any number of colleagues that "Cactus Kate is barking mad". I thanked him and said I felt I'd already established that.

    ... and kicking myself that I missed an opportunity to comment. Oh well.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    Here's an example...

    Damn! for some reason I really want that.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

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