Posts by Sacha
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To be clear, I meant the conversation, not the original post.
I knew I could hear something different.. :)
Nice post, Matthew - thanks.
Here we go again..
Easy, Craig - just devise a winning business proposition with kickbacks.
these plans do not and cannot create extra wealth
but they provide a pool of investment funding for ventures which certainly do create wealth.
My precis: anticipation, yay, awe, then boo.
Lordy that's lot ot read to get to here again.
the way JP Donleavy used to finish chapters, especially if the characters were having sex.
You saying maybe Taslov was only typing with one hand?
We had fireworks in Wellington to celebrate Obama's win
Auckland too - still going, damn patriots.
They suck goat's nobs
Love it, Ben. May not be Obama but it's sure eloquent in its own way. :)
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