Posts by Sacha
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Lotu-**liga**, innit?
parenthesized to the nines
you missed one - Joe (the plumber).
"Moront" - love it. :)
Campbell did cut them off rather a lot.
What’s a lickspittle?
Christ knows. Prehaps "filthy, lying socialist lickspittle" is a phrase dreamt up by someone who loved the episode of Sesame Street brought to them by the letter "i". Or a closet Jonathon Ives enthusiast. :)
Watch out for Broadcasting and Communications.
Oooh - who, who?
Voting, on the other hand, is purely a cost. There's no money to be made from having voting systems, so operators will naturally be attracted to the cheapest possible option. That accurate voting has a value all of its own doesn't attract the accountants
There are unfortunate parallels with parts of our health and disability sectors, where the main driver is cheapness because many things that count don't have dollars attached to them. It's only one factor in publicised complaints, but it saddens me that it exists at all.
shepherds, 3 wise men & manager.
Heh. Top-heavy modern farming for you.
Did you catch Jenni McManus after the TV3 election debate last night saying that the financial crisis coverage isn't gloomy enough yet?
John Campbell nailed Key last night about the lack of "fresh" anything on his front bench. Interestingly, his response suggested that the rankings may not count for much after the election..
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