Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Cracker: In Which Damian Grouches about…,

    Heh - I was paraphrasing the teenage girl who watched HSM (I saw maybe 3 minutes of it). The younger, not quite teenage cousin who brought the film however, swears by it. Neither have yet shown a desire to bake.

    Heh, Bowie was ok, but the Kermit factor was way too high.

    And am I alone in always having considered there something more than slightly indecent about the way the Gnome King leered at the young Jennifer Connelly?

    Or was I just discomfited by the beanbag he appeared to have down the front of his tights?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Cracker: In Which Damian Grouches about…,

    I think I might have to watch that High School Musical thing to get my musical fix.

    Yes, the redemptive power of baking... set to music. Don't do it, you'll get diabetes.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lying liars again,

    but what happened next is ... bizarre.

    It's hilarious! But Welly_Girl has offered to whip their butts.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Cracker: In Which Damian Grouches about…,

    If I'm reading these comments correctly, you seem to think the idea is to view all the nominated movies & performances & vote for the best in each category.

    That's not how it works & you all know it.

    BTW - in Simon Morris's absence on Natrad last night, they had the BBC film show & someone talking to Sylvester Stallone about Rocky Balboa (which sounds like it is the best one since the first!.)

    Now there's a case in point. 1976, Best Actor should have been Stallone (I jest not), but Peter Finch made the masterstroke of his career by dying.

    Mind you, Rocky did win Best Picture (deservedly) & so Sly didn't go home empty handed

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Shopping Report,

    and juha, if i find you lurking outside my premises with a pinny for me...

    I had a momentary vision of Juha as Miss Alice.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Shopping Report,

    it's become a nanny state.

    Bloody socialists turning up everywhere.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Shopping Report,

    Don't buy a volkswagon guys, naggingest car ever made, it treats YOU like a toddler:

    "Beeeeep - Service Now"
    "Beeeeep - Handbrake on"
    "Beeeeep - headlights on"
    "Beeeeep - Fasten your seatbelt"
    "Beeeeep - refuel"
    "Beeeeep - tyre pressure low"
    "Beeeeep - Passenger door open"

    I mean, it's all very clever, but thank goodness they haven't got the synthetic voice installed.

    At least it doesn't need toner cartridges.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Page 3 Boy,

    "but... all i can see when i go to read it is a half-naked 46 year old."

    WTF? He's sending naked pictures of himself which he purports are tips on speechmaking?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Page 3 Boy,

    That was you? I only riffed through quickly & assumed they were doing a puff piece on Fabio.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chew before swallowing,

    a generous hunk of black pudding

    Now we are talking! Sell this stuff in the tuck shops instead of the pies & chips & see what happens.

    Tom, there used to be a gourmet sandwich place off Lambton Quay - they did a breakfast sandwich: bacon, egg, baked beans & black pudding. Magic. But not for the faint hearted.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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