Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Hard News: Draped in their flag,

    ...he'd never been to a country with as much visible mental illness as australia.

    i laughed. a lot

    Belly laughs? Or a kind of demented giggle?

    Sorry, given the topic, and the fact you've lived there... thought I'd better clarify.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Cracker: Games to Play at the BDO #37:…,

    "You find one and make the poor thing cry ..."

    And all for the benefit of a photographer.

    hey, reminds me... you guys seen this? (NSFW)

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: All those in favour, raise…,

    Is it coincidence then that just a few years shy of 30 years ago, the police in Wellington trailed a one legged (although 'armed" with an axe/baseball bat/hammer - I can't recall exactly) man called Miggsy Morgan to a Wainuiomata landfill & proceeded to shoot him dead (prompting a beautiful piece of grafitti in Aro Valley - "They Shoot Cripples, Don't They?"

    I don't know the details of Mr Morgan's amputation, but it is a reasonable guess that he had spent some time of his shortish life behind bars, whether with or without his leg, I do not know.

    To get to the point - could Miggsy have been the last amputee behind bars?

    To get off the point again, the night of the day he died - chances are it was Christmas Eve, because I remember I was visiting my old stamping ground, and ex-school chums, at the Naenae Olympic hotel.

    There was music of some sort. I fronted up to my friends' table & exclaimed loudly "Hey, what about the cops shooting this Morgan guy?" or words to that effect, possibly not so diplomatic. My friends looked stricken & shushed me quickly.

    It seems just before I arrived, someone from the table next to us, someone with dreadlocks, & a large patch on his jacket, got up, took the microphone, and made a moving & lengthy tribute to their "good friend, Miggsy Morgan."

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    That's like the omigod I have to clean the entire house because some people are coming for lunch thing that seizes women.

    How about:

    "Ohmigod, I have to clean the house because the cleaner is coming tomorrow & it's so dirty it's embarrassing!

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Summer Holiday,

    Later guys! Have a good one y'all.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unbundled!,

    I suppose it's too late to nominate (and coin) "Brashiness"

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Summer Holiday,

    And Boy George just knew that George Michael was gay.

    We all did. Barrymore too. But I've long suspected Julian Clary is secretly straight.

    But this aspect of the show was gleefully reported to me by a colleague.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Summer Holiday,

    and father has already quietly said to me "what shall i buy your mother for christmas?".

    Good to hear he hasn't left it till the last minute...

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Summer Holiday,

    BTW: So you don't have to wait weeks to read it on my (nearly in 2005) award winning blog because I just know you all read it avidly- holidays will be spent:

    Drinking/eating - weather permitting, barbecuing!
    Checking the welfare of ancient sheep & young lambs
    Clearing pine trees (oo-er is this contributing to global warming?) with my kick-arse Husky chainsaw (this IS)
    Making up for deforestation by planting out natives & fruit trees in place of the pines
    Ignoring as much a practicable, in-laws, extended family & small children
    Walking beach, hill & vale with immediate family & Wilma the Wonder Labrador
    Appearing on TV - I managed this last year believe it or not, although you probably didn't notice... but I see no reason why I should not again, perhaps with a few lines this time
    Reading, should Santa oblige, Nigel Cox's Cowboy Dog.

    Unexpected & unplanned activities will be recounted in the usual fashion, later.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Losing the billboard plot,

    Brash said he now believed he was being followed throughout the election campaign

    Does this remind anyone else of the post Rivendell section of the Fellowship of the Ring? How about if I mentioned that certain people of my acquaintance refer to Nicky Hager as "Gollum"?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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