Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Island Life: And some with a fountain pen,

    And while we're on a Front Lawn/Don McG tribute kick

    But it's only fair to point out that Don didn't write the lyrics to No Depression. Those iconic words were from Richard Von Sturmer. Don wrote the music.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pomp and Circumstance,

    Rich, I think your French figure may be a little low..its a big sport there.

    They formed a Rugby team in Jakarta a while back but the joke going around was that they've not played as they can't find another one.

    I've been in Asia through a Soccer WC and a RWC and I know which one got the media coverage and which got fairly much ignored outside the Western expat communities.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pomp and Circumstance,

    Look, it surprised me too. However, let's just check tv coverage for a couple of those other events (remembering that RWC claims 3 to 4 billion) -

    The RWC raised a few smirks with that figure last time too, especially when one takes into account places like, uhh, most of Asia where it rarely gets a mention unless, of course the folks here have somehow heard of the sport in recent years.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    Don McGlashan should try reading the fine print before signing contracts, I guess.

    Except that it ain't in the fine print. APRA does blanket deals with broadcasters to allow incidental music to be used on the stations. Most acts are fine with this but stretching that to include tacit political ties is something that has caused problems in the past and is being addressed elsewhere on the planet.

    I think Don owns his own masters and may have a redress for the misuse of those if that is the case.

    I managed to get TVNZ many years back when they used a recording of mine to promote a TV special. Blanket agreement with the industry body they said....I'm not a member said I....

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    He's not yet, to be a wee bit pedantic about it. Clark is still the Prime Minister and Goff is still the Defence Minister. National sent a representative -- did any other party, just as a matter of interest?

    PM or PM elect, you know what I mean (trying to type these things on patchy on-off net connections in the last town at the end of the last road in Jawa Tengah), and whether any other party sent a rep is rather irrelevant surely. This was a major anniversary of one of the most pivotal events in NZ's brief history where a large slice of a whole generation of New Zealanders were either slaughtered or mentally and physically maimed.

    The tag applied is 'lest we forget'. Key didn't so much forget, but didn't have the time to remember as he should.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    Simon: So were members of Helen Clark's family (a grand-uncle, if memory serves), and this son of a 28th (Maori) Batallion veteran can't give a flying fuck at a donut that she doesn't do dawn services.

    Craig, sorry, just just got back to this as I'm stuck in the depths of Java, but as I said, this is a personal thing and I remain appalled. It was not a difficult thing to do and it was so clearly the right thing to do, esp as this a) his first such anniversary since becoming PM, and b) it was the 90th year. How you can think there is a partisan 'silly-bugger-ness' to this confuses me, (Helen's non-appearance at Dawn Services (but quite obvious treks to Gallipoli) are irrelevant). It's simply about doing the right thing and Key dropped the ball.

    I too come from a (three generation) military family and have grown up amongst both first and second WW veterans and I'm guessing that I'm very much not alone in this.

    So I don't think that he forgot

    No, he was just too busy.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    So, the Prime Minister and Defence Minister attended the ceremony, while another party sent a representative? This is "deserting" how, exactly? This is about as dumb and tacky (given the events being commemorated) as the faux-controversy last year about Clark not attending a a dawn service on ANZAC Day. I think the substance gets rather lost in bickering over the form.

    Craig, spin it as you like but as the reasonably close relatived of someone who lies buried in France, I'm appalled that the PM-elect couldn't make the effort.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Mark, firstly apology accepted.

    Going thru a few things.

    1. I've not studied the industry data in any great detail mostly because, based on on my personal experience and understanding of the way people consume music garnered over some years, I'm confident that I'm right.

    2. Another example I can throw into the mix is that of the working DJ. It's been many years since I did that but I have close and much more recent experience of how such people work and acquire music. In years gone by a DJ would spend up to $200 a week buying records. Most working DJs I know now spend virtually nothing..perhaps 10% of the earlier spend. This applies to names across the board, big and small. It's a fact and it's global. That is lost income and sales.

    3. As I stated earlier the major downturn in sales came after 2004/5 when broadband became widely available. Before that I regard much of the moaning as little different to the cries of home taping is killing music. But data from before 2004/5 is thus dated and less relevant

    4. There has been a dramatic drop in sales. That's inarguable. You argue, without evidence at all that there is no proof that piracy is a factor in this. I dispute that for the reasons above but I also temper that by saying I think the big lobby groups, which represent some 60-70% of the market share, grossly overstate their case and there are a multitude of other factors in play. I would argue that my premise is slightly more realistic than the one you are pushing

    5. The claim I made was not that my daughter's generation believe it's not stealing to download tracks..quite the opposite, they know damn well it is but they do it anyway to fulfill their desire to acquire the sort of music we used to purchase because they have exactly the same desire to own a copy as we did. That is quite a different thing. And it logically equates to lost sales. Me 1970=I want it so I buy it. Teens 2008=I want it so I will download it. Now whether every track downloaded is a lost sale, RIAA would argue it is which is blatantly false, but I'd argue it's just as dishonest to make a blanket assumption it is not. A percentage, assuming that passion for music is the same across the generations (and live figures are evidence of that), is. Hell, if one sale was lost due to piracy I am, at a stretch, correct.

    6. Just to throw one more bit of non-science into the mix..witness the death of the DJ mix album. What's largely replaced them? The downloadable mix online. Mix albums used to sell in vast quantities but hit a brick wall about 2004 with the explosion of unlicensed mixes online and, you guessed it..broadband. What used to cost $40 can be found on blogs, forums, speciality sites and so on. And DJs give them away because the monies from them used to go, mostly, to the licensing labels and were primarily profile raisers for DJs. Now DJs can raise their profile by giving away mixes without any royalty or licensing fee being paid. I released a bunch of such albums some years back. One the the DJs who I released for now gives a free CD away at just about every gig he plays. Why would I bother to release another?

    I could go on but I've got a plane to catch.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    how that post twice?

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    So here's the challenge, Simon: Show some evidence that this has occurred, and I mean solid evidence that the industry has directly suffered from file-sharing,

    Oh come on Mark, the false assumption you made was my position on all this. I explained that in some detail which you would have seen if you had continued through the thread. Or read my reasonably forthright views on PA or on my blog over the years.

    And I've provided personal, admittedly unscientific and anecdotal evidence that file sharing is hurting sales, and I suspect most parents could do exactly the same. You've yet to tell me why that doesn't translate. Here's the real provide evidence as to why that assumption is wrong.

    Your evidence to counter that is a bit of dated data, a site which seems to have more to do with copyright infringement on handbags and watches, a blog or two, and a worthy professor trying to tell us what we all knew years ago.

    And you still don't get the industry, the depth and breadth of it and why RIAA and the European bodies (which is what we are really talking about) is NOT my industry body. You are making a non-argument.

    Seriously, I think I made my case and yours was found wanting.

    @Sacha offense meant!

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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