Posts by Sacha
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But who watches the bananas..
Youre right, Emma - maybe that's what's distinctive amidst the ho-hum fundie ravings. If I want them, I'd move to the States or listen to talkback.
Tony had it right at:
You are either deliberately obtuse, incredibly badly informed or an asshole.
Trying to reason with Ms Dexter is like wrestling a pig. I'm bored with it.
Grant, the only simple thing around here is you. Your "reality" may be faith-based but don't expect any non-Amerikans to buy into that.
OK, still not getting the latin thing. Banana in the ear is sounding a little Perez Hilton, if you know what I mean.
I didn't even know possums were latin..
But Emma, it's a faith-based universe for some..
every Whedon fangirl likes to use the phrase 'the sound of leather on Willow' as often as possible.
Rofflenui, and thank you Emma. Another wonderful image lodged firmly in the inappropriate connections part o the brain. I obviously haven't had to trade that region for numbers, morals or whatever - yet.
Leaving the sole parents aside for a moment, I see no way those 5600 "work-ready" sick or invalid folk will get a job until any government invests in changing the ignorant, discriminatory attitudes of many employers about hiring disabled and mentally ill workers.
Many sickness benefit recipients are there because of mental illness, and I wonder if at least some of the increased numbers simply reflect improved awareness and lowered embarrassment because of the successful Like Minds and Depression campaigns.
How many sign-ups are a result of our ludicrous national overworking habit? Are our managers not able to divide up the work sustainably amongst more people or could it be that we have poured money into more prisons rather than training to ensure enough of the right skills?
How are employers going to be ready to play their part? The greatest weakness of this policy is the focus on only one side of the employment equation. Sadly that oversight seems common in other countries addressing the same demographic pressures on benefits.
There are many costs involved in doing this properly, as Deborah notes. That is of course if doing it properly is the intention, rather than satisfying the punitive impulses that have resurfaced in some forums since this announcement.
Consider me distracted then. I didn't see it from the beginning but it had the same basic script as the Nicky Watson piece, and the same facial expressions from the "interviewer".
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