Posts by Sacha
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Thanks, Emma. Many valid points here all round.
I do not believe in positioning women as universal victims either, or men as slobbering fools unable to control ourselves. Though you'd have to wonder from some of the crowd shots last year.
I acknowledge individual women's active role in this type of situation, and also the bigger picture where power is negotiated and the playing field is not level. No easy answers.
Matthew, I'm not a woman (in case that affects how you read what I'm saying ).
Emma, I'm very interested in hearing your take on today's parade - if you can just ignore the temptation to respond to the way it is being framed by others including our revolting troll.
Grow up, please.
You mean like this sophisticated offering from yr own blogette, Grunt:
We need players for the World Cup in 2027. So it is my suggestion that as many people as possible get married and have babies as soon as possible. This obviously necessitates a man marrying a woman and making babies the unassisted way. This would be a good thing. Also it would be a good thing if the marriages lasted for the lifetime of any children produced as to provide the best possible environment for our future All Blacks to grow up in. That would be great. Another big bonus would be to keep the kids out of public school where they would be taught how to lose and sulk because of it. Or even worse, the school might force them to play soccer. Kids should be trained at home by the parents who, by default, are the best teachers of their children.
If we all start doing all this immediately then the World Cup would be almost guaranteed for the subsequent few decades. Oh. I almost forgot. It would be a really BAD idea if parents were to kill their children. Sorry folks that means no more chemicals. No more contraception. No more state sanctioned murder.
That's a childishly black and white world you live in. Thank god there is absolutely nothing you can do to make it compulsory for the rest of us.
I understand your predicament as moderator Russell -- but I'm beginning to look away -- I mean far away -- when GD jumps on a thread. And he seems to be spreading...
Way to empty the party room by room all right.
Matthew, your explanations seem sensible for low donation rates to street collectors in suburbs like Remuera, Fendalton and Khandallah. My point was anecdotal like Giovanni's.
Grunt won't change his tune and others here aren't that stupid, so I'm not going to waste time digging out stats about the failure of charity. I'm happy just to point to the United States as an example of what we can expect by abolishing welfare. Thank goodness no one is suggesting it in our country.
For Grunt, who is obviously taken with the whole executive presidency arguument and seeking a real man to tell him what's right:
OK to legislate for Grunt's idea of christianity, but not others. Tax is theft, blah blah blah. Back to your cricket, you waste of space.
"You think people are obliged to give to those in need .. I don't."
Yet this troll claims to be a Christian, perhaps he doesn't know what that entails.Cos charity has worked so well in the past - well, if you're not the one feeling great about how generous you're being. Street collectors report that the stingiest neighbourhoods are where rich folk live.
But then Grunt aint interested in reality. If only he'd stick to cricket, which I think he'll find is not a faith-based game and where the rules are not voluntary. Including gravity.
That small matter of legislated tax exemption for churches would be an ideal smaller point for Grunt to wrap his tiny mind around for our benefit. Although in a faith-based world, 1+1 = god, so I suppose he'll come up with any answer he feels like.
one shouldn't say anything to someone online that one wouldn't say to their face offline.
My point earlier about what would happen to Grunt in a real-world gathering was along the same lines. He'd end up in the street and at least one of us would be regretting coming face to face with our darker side in the process.
Given his tolerance of Grunt, our host wouldn't have left himself much room to act on that unless he's clinging to an old-fashioned distinction between verbally and physically polluting a conversation space to the detriment of everyone else in it. Online, the effect is the same and banning is why clubs hire bouncers.
That's partly to protect the patrons from themselves, just as our legal system acts on our behalf so we don't need to. Not pleasant, but justice is a function in any society. Ironically, Grunt will know exactly what I'm saying while the turn-the-cheek brigade may be all upset with me. See, he really improves the quality of conversation, doesn't he.
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