Posts by Sacha
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It is hilarious that Mr George thinks of himself as "reasonable".
Actually, that's a great point - thanks, Mikaere.
A lesson in how to believe the impossible -
a transcript of Winston Peters' address to Parliament -
Another NZ First donation questioned for comment yesterday, the party leader, Winston Peters, said: "Phil, I told you I'm not talking to a lying wanker like you. See you." He then hung up.
Fresh controversy and more answers You've campaigned against secret trusts.
A No, I haven't. What I've campaigned against are those massive donations that are there to buy policy and buy favours.
John Armstrong: The Great Survivor goes hunting for brainless meerkats -
Immigration is a legitimate topic, and Tze Ming did some excellent thinking about how Maori and migrants might profitably relate. Part of the solution, not the "problem".
Thinking of migrants as a threat is rooted deeply in irrational fear, so it is not susceptible to rational arguments. That fear is a valid perspective, but I'm with others that it is not a useful one if it is whipped up by opportunistic cynical parasites who don't even believe it themselves. It's the easiest base in this country just like in Amerika and elsewhere.
Seniors deserve better, and organisations like Age Concern are doing a far more useful job than Winnie ever will. I agree with Stephen that thankfully most voters of all ages see through the oily hypocrite.
These guys hardly post anymore . It's like they've lost interest.
Thanks, Jeremy, that's the perfect antidote to those bloody billboards purportedly communicating from above.
I think our seniors deserve a better champion than that pompous lazy fool.
Thanks Steve, and I love this conversation starter from Mr Vouchermate:
P is a misunderstood drug. It gives me the energy to really make a difference in my local community
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