Posts by Sacha
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Peters addressing parliament (vid stream, a few minutes long): -
Welcome-nui :)
It looks like the Harold beat me to it: day, another promise
The money could have been lawfully laundered from the Spencer Trust to other legal entities and to the party in smaller amounts.
Trawling through the drivel (and wasn't that transcript farcical), I suspect that the money simply went from the Trust in parcels smaller than the limit through a variety of people/orgs to NZ First or to the Winnie loves lawyers fund. Legal at the time - hence the blustering confidence now - but undoubtedly dodgy and problematic in light of strident denunciations of others using similar tactics. He said something about "there's more than one way" so I suspect he knew full well what was going on.
If only the media would stop asking the same questions which he oviously has no intention of answering - and who's going to make him? Perhaps they could instead dig up some of his many previous hypocritical utterances, read them out and just ask him to say where he stands by them now. Lil Winnie may wriggle or refuse to answer but the statements will be there to speak for themselves either way. The man contributes to global warming every time he opens his gob. Time for cleaner alternatives.
Whatever the outcome, it will be communicated by staging a very long walk.
squabbling over the last laxative
Brilliant - you are on a roll today, sir.
the editorial position of abject Tory sock puppetry
I knew you'd like it, Craig.
Herald Editorial takes Key to task for not being sufficiently resolute in his reasonableness:
...he seems too anxious to nullify any policy that might be unpopular. He wants to offer the election policies that are pleasant and painless and barely distinguishable from the present.
He is making a rod for his own back if he is elected and wants to move the country in a more enterprising direction.
Colin James: Risks in Key's bland ambition -
Paul, maybe them Aussies need more help decidin.
Islander, I get the impression from what I've read about him so far that Key would have to be good at running a team.
I'll be interested to see what the "visionary" pitch is when the Nats finally say what they plan to do - something "ambitious" I'm told. That goes for Labour too, presuming they have something ready. And I agree with Simon's points. The winning threshold is not 50% and I wish the coverage was not so resolutely first-past-the-post.
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