Posts by Sacha
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Julie, TVNZ were very precise in their statements that they suggested a counsellor but did not provide one, presumably including EAP.
I imagine any one-on-one sessions would have been useful, although may have lacked the bigger picture or specialised focus of anti-violence programmes, and the getting real from a group approach.
Harrowing, indeed. I'm sure the narcissistic "poor Tony" spin continued by Holmes and co is part of what is pissing people off, although it does seem to have succeeded in garnering sympathy as no doubt was its intent.
Carolyn, I'm still struggling to make the quoted timelines match up too.
Paul, you'd be asking for policy, then. :)
Cecelia, I don't know but suspect it's possibly more just the paper reporting what little they know about Kristin. Veitch deliberately spun his response, and buddies like Holmes are just continuing the same denial.
And I agree it is striking how violent abusers unerringly pick on people who are less powerful than them - which means socially as well as physically. It's cowardly, and it must require a fair degree of self-delusion to stay surprised by it if you're an offender.
Cecilia, the media were somewhat hamstrung because in the absence of comment from the only other witness they can only report what he said, unless they are confident to take the risk that the Dominion did. Our slanted defamation laws are responsible for that calculation when confronted by someone rich enough to sue.
That doesn't stop the rest of us characterising a beating on this scale differently, but it shows the power of repeated coverage and the value of pr advice if you want to shape a discussion.
Cecilia, the phrase was very deliberately chosen and first used by Veitch during that press conference to avoid acknowledging that he had caused another person harm, which would constitute an admission of assault.
As others have noted it minimises the severity of the violence he inflicted. That's not accidental, and it alarms me that others have so unwittingly bought into it.
Kyle, I agree with the focus on "what next" for anyone in that situation.
I don't think Veitch has been in any programme yet, just private counselling. He's sure not going to live the useful and fulfilling life he could until he properly confronts what he has done and then acts consistently to make amends for it.
Cecilia, you might be interested how the planted phrase "lash out" has started being unquestioningly repeated in recent coverage, even used by Jane Drumm in that Taopu Misa story. A triumph of framing and pr, and very relevant for any examination of how the overall discourse evolves.
Thanks, St ephen. Well said.
I think we're seeing the limits of relativism in some of the comments here, and it's reminding me what I find annoying about 70s hippies.
Some things have absolute thresholds even if they otherwise include degrees, in this case of violence. That's the basis of saying "it's not ok" rather than "it's relatively not ok".
As robbery noted a couple of pages ago: "its where that line that we try not to cross is, and where we as a society say is reasonable for that line to be placed."
The only debate should be where the line is - not whether it exists. We've moved on from that surely, no matter how comforting it may be to cling to a belief that we're all the same and everything is a matter of degree.
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