Posts by Sacha
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Michael, we know enough - and it seems so do his employers. If the scant public details were not true wouldn't his lawyers have got injunctions and stopped further publication?
At least the deal wasn't in cheddar...
Andrew, also discussed yesterday - saying you "lashed out" does not amount to enough of a confession of assault. TVNZ interviewed Scott Optican so presumably is on their site somewhere.
Pulled from Olympics role, and comments from workmates towards bottom of story:, we already discussed that point yesterday.
Craig, not denying the private nature of individual amends. I'm talking about whether that's all there is, or if you also believe such a thing as "society" exists with its own interest alongside those of the individuals who are part of it.
McShane (and Maggie Thatcher) would say there isn't. Our legal system says there is, so some offenses are against society not just the individuals involved.
On a basic level, regardless of the law or employment contracts many people seem to have a pretty instinctive interest in how other people's children are treated, for example, or in whether people beat each other. I don't think there would be 16 pages of comments here, otherwise. -
Kyle, it is not just a "private" matter. unless you are Owen McShane of course.
Agreed. Maybe we're talking about prosecution rather than conviction?
Anjum, conviction is highly unlikely as has been discussed in some depth here - so I would rather not make it a precondition for anything. How about we think of them as parallel processes - legal and moral/social?
Isn't that what life is about?
Oh, look, the Herald thinks that only ethics lecturers need to be held to some sort of standard:
In the meantime, he could continue in his limited public role of talking sport. It is not as if he is lecturing in morality, integrity, decency and respect for others.
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