Posts by BDB Inc

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  • Access: Disability Stakeholders,

    Humanity is one.

    Unfortunately with words we have distorted facts and we have divided everyone into labels and then measured their worth based only on the values of those in power.
    Not taking( and acting on) input from those that live with the disability funding decisions is like having a neural system with broken synaptic feedback loop- it is not getting the information and has formed a pathway that is not desirable for humanity.
    I will try to explain better if anyone wants clarification.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Disability Stakeholders,

    Everyone is.

    Who has an interest in disability, some people don't they are in the grips of self interest("rest of society be damned" personality types). Many do not know there is a problem for the growing number of disenfrachised kiwis, and if they knew how bad it is for some and what happens they to would support the right to give input & feedback .

    The motivations and interests in disability of most the orgs (service providers, support etc) is securing or increasing funding and promoting themselves to the public as "vonderba" and effective consultation on disability issues.
    Then you have disabled people(& families) many are fighting injustices and discrimination, they just want their needs( access , mobility , care or help) IE the govt/ACC to purchase & provide legal obligations . Into this group go the people who try to help the disabled and their families .
    So the "stakeholders" mentioned are not all interested or motivated to improve outcomes in the NZ disability sector for disabled people.
    So I would say everyone is, but many have no interest in the provision of needs , representation and better outcomes for disabled people and so do not represent disabled people .

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration, in reply to Moz,

    I am glad you can pointed out the medical model "fix" you idea, they want to have total control ( leads to your disempowerment) that is what happens when modern medicine meets neuro diversity.
    You get reduced to a label(s) of someone else's opinion which effects (in children it forms) your self identity. I am all for loosing all these labels we attach to people.
    Yeah there is no 'cure' & they do not know the cause.
    Drug treatment sedates to make differences less marked so other people can feel better .Depression(suffering ) is treated with drugs -same thing.
    They think they must find cause without looking at humanity- must cure without understanding.


    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Words and Disability - The…, in reply to Sacha,

    Foucalt did not address any solution to misunderstandings which are inseparable with words (as it is their nature to separate). To separate is the nature of the carnal mind.
    Different word associations are as common as undividual minds. If we do not accept any other peoples concepts for words that are different to our own associations communication breaks down and we separate ourselves .
    I can accept that people do not know what association words have for me they may say a word that may have associations to things I fear/dislike.
    "I must say a word of warning against the too-frequent tendency to assume that the minds of every other sane and healthy person must be like one's own. "
    (Sir Francis Galton, 1881)

    I cannot understand what you saying are the second part of your post .What is this word overinflation about if its not that people are offended by their word associations in their own minds.

    We do not have to all agree on words or philosophies.
    If we can firstly assume no one intended to offend here then we don't have to trip up on words.

    What we agree on is the need for change in the system?
    We agree we want good( experienced in the field) people to head the NZ disability sector ?
    We want receptive support agencies- performing their duties?
    We want family carers to not be publicly slandered and to be paid for the same work other non -family carers get funding for?

    I agree. Lets see if people can try to accept other peoples different minds( word associations with fears, dislikes, likes) without being offended thats not impossible.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Words and Disability - The…,

    We are different -my concept of the word disabled does not mean" I am inferior" when someone uses the word disabled .
    I maintain that we will not get traction if everyone is afraid of using words .

    What I understand is there is a lost of negative reactions to words and fear of offense.

    Words are only pointers, it is in the nature of words, as tools of the mind, to separate. Ideas of inferiority are in the mind not in the word disability.

    If a giraffe kept being told by other giraffes he was a fish but could see who he was would he take offense that the other giraffes called him a fish? Clearly the other giraffes misunderstand his identity.He would only be offended if he though he was a fish.
    You are not MR/MRS DISABLED, that is not your "I" . Disability is a word/label used to describe it is not who you are.
    The problem is many people have identified themselves (after a long period of social conditioning ) with these word labels and cannot untangle. They resent them( unconscious thoughts of and fears of inferiority are attached to the word "disabled" )
    The solution (instead of stopping communication for fear of misunderstandings and offense) is to stop thinking of yourself reduced to your own ideas/concepts of the word label "disabled" .

    Understandably oversensitivity from social conditioning, these negative ideas concepts of who you are have found a nest in your mind,. Maybe you believe them and have not yet questioned who you are.
    Words that reinforce your fears are reacted to strongly.

    I can say I had a fit ( but only because I did?)
    It is OK for me to say it, then why then can't others who don't have fits use the word fit around me?
    For I am not a seizure. I am not confused about who I am.

    I don't want people to tip toe around me in fear of offending me, words are only pointers the negative concepts associated in your minds must not reinforce a false identity.
    Who the heck thinks they are disability!!!
    When someone asks "Who are you"? .... do you say " disabled" ?

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Defective, deficient, deviant…,

    "Robotic tools of tyranny"

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Defective, deficient, deviant…, in reply to Margaret Moana McGregor,

    Thank you Margaret .
    The HDC could've acted as it was about CCDHB provision of services( all HDC patient code of rights ) . Its submitted in the district court under human rights violations, crimes act, ( IPRC act ACC) and UN convention its with the govt, minstry of justice & Ombudsman.

    "Bennett & Collins are clueless robotic tools of tyrany whose bodies are not male."

    Imagine the DPA & NZ disability sector having real (and qualified) heads . Imagine the difference compassion and kindness would made up there, thats one thing I want " That people who care are there". Right now its the people who care are not there and are silenced by slander and libel, so its change we need. This kind of thinking feeling change benefits all people not just disabled people, like current heads have a trickle down of icky stuff but with good hearts and minds the trickle would be sweet.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration,

    Don't apologise for the word 'fit'. The word usage is appropriate.
    My thinking was expressed in my first response .

    Haven't those "outside" been the ones deciding how we are to understand and treat autism? When they do not fully understand it and to me growing number of neurological developmental changes seems like a metaphysical reflection of who we are now. In this world how is the state of our Communication. Social. Behaviour ?

    You want to know which autism philosophy we think is best or where the funding should go?
    The cause is still unknown.
    There is no cure(there are drugs that sedate, CBT, things, most parents find their own peace, acceptance & love works the best)

    Care & acceptance is always a winner , we don't have to isolate neuro diversities and 'celebrate' any behaviour, social & language 'difficulties' but to accept them in the moment so you can feel peace is all that is needed. All underlying negative thoughts and feeling of non acceptance will be non verbally transmitted to the person.
    Care and acceptance.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration,

    I do not understand the question "where do I fit" .
    I have once been tested to exhibit "aspie -ness" (and much more neurodiversities)
    Where do I fit? I don't.
    I am here and now .Any placement by diagnosis(opinions) into "this" or "that" would reduce who I am (my being) into someone else's opinion/non acceptance of neurodiversity.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Defective, deficient, deviant…, in reply to Sacha,

    Yes I know you are not defending the HDC in this case( as I told you it was service provision and fit within the bounds of HDC Code of patient rights).
    I stress this as I feel the top down philosophies of said politicians have contaminated many crown & state agents whose whole role and function is to protect the rights of vulnerable people.

    The totalitarian patriarch in power (acted out by Paula Bennett) will aggressively attack and lie without blinking. It looks like it becomes second nature ( her conditioning) to act in an unreceptive and hostile way.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

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