Posts by BDB Inc

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  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?,

    I am sorry if I offended.
    My first response was not posted as I was logged off by the mysterious non accessing access post eating blog monster .

    I did not explain well the idea, closing your eyes in a moment the sense of vision is gone you are blind in that moment. If the thought appears "I can open my eyes I am not blind " that comes after the experience of a moment of missing visual sensory input .
    You are not to be reduced to just your senses was one of my points.

    Are you just your senses or memory?
    Who are you?

    A moment called now is all we ever have, our imagination goes wild.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?, in reply to Sacha,

    You agree with uncomfortable and that it is due to fear of the unknown.
    How to make disabled people known? Do you want to know a blind person who is close to you and lives with you ? Close your eyes and look in the mirror.

    Philosophically this understanding others proves challenging, for how can you know anyone when you don't know yourself?

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?,

    In a speech to the Young Labour conference in Wellington yesterday David Cunliffe said “That we should be judged by how we treat the most vulnerable.”
    Cunliffe here is referring to disabled persons, but he doesn't want a judgement as when it is given it is censored. Quick to jump onto the internet party's "internet freedom" bandwagon but rigid in the camps ideology on treatment of the most vulnerable.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?, in reply to Sacha,

    "We’re poorly understood for various reasons"
    Yes what about people who are afraid and uncomfortable around 'disabled' people due to ignorance. They do not know how they should think/feel and so they feel uncomfortable as they view the difference not the similarity.
    Some people are very fearful of losing the ability to see/hear/walk maintain control over their body & mind at all times. People who are obsessed with "social status" as they forever judge others also do not understand. So the lack of understanding happens when the "disabled " is placed before the person.

    I do not think that basic mobility needs are not understood,. I believe the obfuscation of rights of disabled people in NZ is purposefully done by the govt to save money (so they can waste it or bailout banksters).

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: I Can’t See You, But You Should…, in reply to ,

    Direct healthcare provision is better, ACC abuse many sensitive injury claimants. Why the govt call rape or sexual abuse an accident goes beyond my understanding.

    No people needing help/assistance should have to go through a corporation for healthcare or needs.
    No barriers should be there. "Help" even costs more going thru ACC,.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    I am not represented . I did not even get a response (or receipt) of feedback on input on the govts attitude towards the UN CRPWD. They did not accept it what else should I do? Go directly to the UN? done that, guess what the UN don't care about enforcing the signed convention (without publicity) on the NZ govt.

    Its not the changing of status that is needed its the recognition of the inclusion in society that is needed.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: I Can’t See You, But You Should…, in reply to Angela Hart,

    Just need to point out that most disabled ACC claimants get removed from ACC books and are MOH.
    The humiliation , pain and suffering ACC bestow on it's disabled claimant's before it turfs them to MOH is exceptional. Please don't separate people into born disabled and disabled from an accident/ event. We are all people, our community is ALL people not a "disabled" community.
    The contentment of all people should be the govt function . If the UN CRPWD was taken seriously by the govt (and enforced by the courts) all people would have safe mobility and access needs met. In a healthy society that did not separate people with labels we would not be having this conversation. Imagine the public indignation if one day you physically stopped people from walking downtown or going to events based on their hair color.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?,

    The state of disabled people has nothing to do with taking advantage and promoting a political party, This article was about awareness of the growing numbers of disabled people and the problems when their voices are silenced by conflict of interests . I do not see the article about using disabled people to promote a political party. I saw this done by the WCC in forcing through the $10 million dollar GPS electrical billboard system for buses when told it would not solve the problems the WCC then used the blind foundation as a tool to sell the idea.
    A govt should not be about the parties values as party values are clouded by the desire for power and more often than not have no benefit.
    Many people in NZ are still too cold in winter and cannot afford insulation, heating pump or heating costs. Who really benefitted from the industry subsidy schemes and who cares that labour & the greens both take credit for them- at least one is lying .

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Who Are Disabled New Zealanders?, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    I don't believe they are UN CRPWD focused, as why would you say this and then acknowledge the disenfranchised state of disabled people in NZ.
    Disabled people getting their needs met and being included as an equal is not about just voting. Its great Mojo exposed the govt's discrimination/thinking on how they view disabled in NZ but after getting money silence followed.
    The NGOs are dysfunctional because of their funding (conflict of interest ) changing faces/parties would not change this. I noticed that the reporting to the UN CRPWD goes to these conflicted & govt friendly NGO's with no input from disabled people accepted.

    You don't need to develop policy to be human.
    Maybe we need less self interest and more human beings in govt.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

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