Posts by Paul Rowe

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  • Field Theory: Let's make some noise,

    Yamis, I am happy to eat humble pie. Two great results.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: Crash and Contempt,

    the collapse of Lehman has just made credit that much harder to get - and therefore more expensive - for our baking system.

    So the price of bread goes up too? Will no-one think of the children?

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Let's make some noise,

    "...maybe now we'll get some fucking respect."

    Full respect to the Warriors for the win, but they'll get my unending respect when they win something, and when they start winning 60% plus of their games, including against top opposition. They're as consistent as the Black Caps, and as frustrating to follow.

    I'd imagine the bloke who said that referred more to respect from the Aussies, not so much from here in NZ, where they have good support and a reasonable amount of support from the press who like to ride their League is a much better game donkey all over the radio (stand up Veitch, oh, you ae standing up, sorry about that).

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Perhaps the problem is that, as a gay man, Craig sees Sarah Palin’s commitment to raising children and christianity as a threat to his lifestyle?

    OK, I'm not gonna claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but how does person x raising children affect person y's lifestyle? As for Christianity, there doesn't appear to be much that's fun that the Bible doesn't look down on, whether you're gay, straight or not fussy.

    D'you think these guys have even heard of Locke, Bentham, Mill etc?

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: A plot point is reached,

    I will still spend the day trying to save a 70yrish old English Oak tree that is outside my lounge window on the border of our property

    That sounds very Arthur Dent, Sophie. I suggest you drees for the occasion in a dressing gown.

    (I know a planner who might be able to help, if it's not too late, which I suspect it might be)

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: A plot point is reached,

    Should we discussing such irrelevancies on the day the world ends?

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: A plot point is reached,

    From memory we didn't ahve a Minsiter for Racing before 1996 - when they have Tau Henare the job.

    There may have been a minister of racing in the 50s; not sure.

    Minister for Racing was a role Bolger offered to Muldoon in 1990, a role outside Cabinet, of course. Muldoon turned him down, calling it an insult. Lord knows who got the job, Bolger probably gave it to himself.

    (If Henare had it, it would have given Peters ample opportunity to see the potential for baubles it offered.)

    My only source is a fairly hazy memory.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    You doubt someone like John McCain has a chance of securing the GOP nomination? Interesting.

    It's why he failed in 2000 (plus he couldn't compete dollars-wise) and why he is pandering to them this time.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    Aah, I see.

    He'll have his work cut out for him there I think. Money talks etc.

    I'd rather see Platini in charge of FIFA than the corrupt basteard who's currently in charge.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    the idea has been nixed again this summer by UEFA.

    I didn't realise it was UEFA's decision. I always understood that it was up to the local association how they qualified teams for the Champions League. (cf the angst when Liverpool finished 5th in the Premiership the same season they won the European Cup).

    On this morning's radio they were trumpeting the NRL with attendance at games of over 3 million this season. It seems to me that the NZRU's insistance on S14 as our premier level of competition is killing the game locally. It takes 3 and a half months out of our season but only produces, at most, 9 home games a season. The Air NZ Cup only gives teams 5 home games a season, plus play-offs. From the comments above, it is pretty clear we need more games, and to do that something has to give. Hopefully S14's days are numbered.

    My thought is we should be mimicking the Champions League Format - Smaller groups, home and away games, then QF, SF and Final. The NZ market might be too small, but a combined Oceania comp could be a goer.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

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