Posts by Sam F
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Did anyone else catch the RNZN coverage of this issue on Sunday morning and early Sunday afternoon?
Don't have time to access the podcasts right now, but I wasn't overly impressed with what I heard - a fair bit seemed to be a diversion into the history of global unions and syndicalism - interesting, yes, but a diversion nonetheless.
Would seem to explain rather a lot.
I note Pollywog popping up opining that he "doubted Russell had ever done a hard days work in his life" and other similar comments in his aggressive style that he uses on sites his kids don't read...
He does that anyplace they'll let his comments stand. Dude has a serious chip on his shoulder.
Oops - looks like PA is being censured.
Oh dear.
is it such a bad thing if we're slowly (and painfully) getting off the debt-fuelled consumption crack?
Agreed. The issue though is has the patient stopped using because of a conscious life-style choice for the better
did they simply die?
That was pretty damn good.
The unemployed are being made to look invisible in the economic debate.
As Gio notes in reference to Phil Goff's speech on the weekend:
[Bomber Bradbury refers to] Goff's first New Zealand: the good people who buy the second hand cars and the fish and chips and go camping, engulfed. Not the weakest members of society, because those have long since been discounted. There is a passage in Goff's speech that underscores this rather brilliantly:
"In this New Zealand your pay doesn’t go as far as it used to because prices are going up. There’s not as much left over at the end of the week as there used to be. People are worried about their jobs. Some of their friends have lost their jobs."
Some of their friends, see? Not them. Because when you lose your job you drop out of the first New Zealand, and into a zone of darkness. And if you end up there, Phil Goff isn't prepared to talk about you except as victims of the conservatives' failed economic policies, people thrown on 'the scrap heap'. And the scrap heap is, well, a scrap heap, all jagged bits of metal and old tires and broken glass. If Labour intends to so much as throw a mattress on it, they haven't indicated it at this stage.
Knew the inflation thing was nonsense, but good to see the increasing real wages bizarroworld claim taken to bits as well.
Sadly I don't know if your final claim will be heeded by thos responsible but hopefully others will read this and spread the knowledge about. Cheers.
I keep having conversations wherein people apologise for swearing because they said "shit" once, which usually runs so beneath my radar I don't even ping it as swearing until they start apologising.
Same thing here. I'm wondering if it's even going to be regarded as a swear word for much longer.
Yes, clearly it was down to Hadyn to write about the Commonwealth Games, because I can't remember seeing any other coverage in the media lately?
I knew someone who would do that in speech. Drove me nuts.
Crap, just realised I've been doing this pretty much forever. Consider it corrected...