Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: A Highlight,

    Hi Fran,

    I found both journalists extremely impressive when I touched base at the Asia NZ dinner. But I was not personally in the position to fund a couple of days to get up to Auckland for the seminar - so unfortunately it was a miss this time.

    There was also a meeting with local journalists on Thursday in Wellington. Still, good thing you got to meet them at dinner.

    One of the problems these days is that newsrooms are so denuded that journalists find it difficult to take time out to go to seminars. Even if they are interested - their bosses often have other priorities.

    Yeah, I'm sure that's a big factor. Ironically, one thing that came out of the seminar for me was how useful not having a conventional media proprietor is for Jazeera and the Australia Network. Is David Geffen still looking at buying the LA Times back from the Tribune Group? He should.

    It probably doesn't help that Asia NZ seems to have a bias against MSM - in favour of local ethnic media and diversity - they need to get over that and work to build a bigger stage for visiting Asian journalists so that they may at least touch base with power brokers/pollies and get some feel for the country to inform their own future reporting or commentary.
    This visit probably helped that.

    I'd honestly debate that Asia: NZ has "a bias against MSM". I think they try really hard to engage with the mainstream media; it's just that the ethnic media offers a more willing ear. But anyway, glad you got to meet the visitors: I dined with them two nights running, and enjoyed their company a lot.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    So is that it one snippy comment from well known Australiaphobe and rugbyasculturetragic Russell Brown. A person unable to know conditioning when it slaps him in the face, and totally crippled when it comes to walking past it.

    Sigh ... I just don't get a lot out of reflexive "but Australia is so much better" cringeing.

    This is what I feel about rugby. You can prance around and sneer about it if you choose; just don't expect me to care what you think.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Invisible Harblz,

    But, hey,I guess we're all living in a scopophiliac world where we're increasingly comfortable with (or oblivious to) CCTV cameras on every corner, the faux intimacy of You Tube and Facebook; where voyeurism as infotainment has never been cheaper or more popular while actual newsgathering and analysis is being starved of resources and airtime.

    And that has what, exactly, to do with the leader of the National Party being filmed while he's out in public having himself filmed? For goodness sake ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Invisible Harblz,

    And before Tom Semmens gets all pissed off at me again, I'd like to think Helen Clark could occasionally scratch her arse and poke a vegetable without some freak posting it on You Tube so some right wing-nut can froth about how this proves what a dirty, heartless bitch she is.

    Craig and I/O, this is hardly some Sunday-morning ambush.

    Key didn't go to Porirua market to buy vegetables for goodness sake: he had a videographer, a photographer, a sound guy with a huge boom mic and god knows how many advisors in tow. Doubtless, whatever PR people were involved would have created an extremely flattering edit of proceedings, but it was a staged PR event. The fact that someone else also taped proceedings does not alter the fact that Mr Key was not simply going about his private business, he was seeking to stage a public event.

    PS: I buy all the veges in my household, and I fancy myself as a fairly good judge of their freshness and quality. I don't stick perfectly good looking spuds up my nose as a reflex action.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Like something out of Braveheart,

    Just because I don't have anywhere else to vent, it's half time in the Ranfurly Shield match, and Canterbury are the beneficiaries of what may be the worst TMO decision I have ever seen in all my years of watching rugby. The official who adjudged that Brent Ward carried the ball back evidently has a cognitive disorder.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Cracker: Kick it in the Butt (& Friday Links),

    Oh man. I really, really like the autopsied books. What a brilliantly simple, yet technically and creatively prodigious artistic concept.

    Do want.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Phoenix Foundation - Bright Grey (dir.…,

    Video feedback! Flying logos! Clunky bluescreening! Big white headphones! Whatever that computery font is called!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Invisible Harblz,

    Anyone who is big enough to see it can tell in an instant Helen Clark is a gifted leader and the outstanding politician of her times. On the other hand, I suspect John Key is more a patrician than a politician.

    To be fair, Clark had a lot of meet and greet practice in the late 90s. She had an image, formed through TV, of being cold and unapproachable, but was and is a good people-person face-to-face. So the strategists sent her out and around the country to meet as many people as she could. It worked very well.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    Come on parochialism is so last week.

    And this week's thing is cultural cringe?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    __ So I deleted it, sorry.__

    Ah, could you please delete my comment in reply? While I'm quite happy to remind David Herkt of his own offensive net activities before he gets to comfy on the moral high horse, it really looks like a random flame-bait (not exactly the tone you want to encourage on PAS) without the context.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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