Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    you guys have got to get more aggressive as consumers. stop bitching about it on your blogs and demand satisfaction for your dollar from the companies you buy off directly.

    90% of the folks that click buy on their iTunes or Vodafone service don't have blogs, or care about the niceties of DRM, they just want a tune they can play anywhere.

    Those are the people that you don't want to piss off. And DRM does.

    /me shuts up :P

    ha, David, I'm back here already so please don't.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Now, sure, Obama has come down against the basest attacks, but so has McCain on occasion.

    Writing diaries for the site and then using that to link him to the Bristol story is a hell of a stretch IMO, Giovanni. Kos is just that, a series of diaries, none tied to each other beyond common cause and none having any responsibility for any others. And that is the key word..responsibility...

    The fundamental difference between the two campaigns to date has been, to me at a least, McCain's willingness to explicitly put his name to the slurs. They say 'endorsed by John McCain'. It's a massive difference. And even the press is calling foul now..AP ran an opinion piece today, very unusual for them at a time like this, pulling up McCain for willful distortion for the twists and smears of recent days. As did the WaPo and other broadsheets.

    Like Angus, I'd like to see a return to a discussion about something more than this (and I think Palin is fair game) but McCain seems to have found his mojo for this campaign and it's in a place that the old McCain, the one who slammed the swift boating in 2000, would've been ashamed to go.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    that's like saying my 8 track cartridges won't play in my cd player.
    not to say you shouldn't be able to play one in the other but we've had that format problem for as long as they've had formats.
    and its completely the same,

    God, we're not going back here! no!

    I'm just gonna say it's completely different. It's like saying an Mp3 won't play in an Mp3 player. They are only semi Mp3's if sold with DRM. Any fool can work out an 8 track won't work in a CD player but 99% of folks out there..the average consumer.. thinks that the MP3 they bought works in an MP3 player. And you piss them off if it doesn't. In that way DRM protected files are extraordinarily copyright owner unfriendly..they piss off the valued customer. As suing them does.

    If, that is, they're iTunes Plus with the no-DRM.


    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    and I think nobody is disputing the fact that Al Qaeda is in Iraq now.

    I think, from what I've read over the years, that the link exists only in the name and the Iraqi operation used it more as a flag waving exercise than to denote any operational tie at any level.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    If you want Obama to win STFU about whatever it is you think you know about what it is Palin did and when, because that is an issue of qualities.

    So we give McCain a pass on Palin and move on, despite what it says about the moral corruption of his campaign and his soul as a politician..I think not.

    Sorry it's not that easy. McCain bought her in, and the slow unravelling of Palin..which will happen bit by bit, is his burden to bear.

    Unfortunately he is backed by an on-line community who consider no gutter too low and no smear too putrid.

    Both sides have sunk at various times (I don't think it was Dem central that orchestrated an email campaign that said Obama was an Islamic Manchurian Candidate...millions of those went out..I got one for gods sake) but there is a very clear and defined difference. Obama verbally and clearly distanced himself from the dirt, McCain, as recently as yesterday, continues to embrace it as a campaign cornerstone. I'm guessing because he has little else than that and a good ol' girl that eats moose but isn't sure what 9/11 was about. Once again, can you point mee towards a campaign ad that says that Obama is not an 'islamic agent'.

    And when you bang a few drums of war, talk about those Islamic Fascists and toddle out a stream of jingoistic cliches there are a fair number of folks who are going to see those as admirable qualities. But the shame of it all is that this man, who once demanded the respect of folks across the political spectrum knows that much of what he's spouting is crap, knows that Palin is not fit for the job and knows that he's crossed a line but does it anyway.

    McCain..sold his country down the river to get elected. qualities you want in a POTUS.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    I couldn't even get a couple of dvds to mount in my laptop let alone use clever tools to get around their drm. but in a dvd play, perfecto.

    Maybe I'm lucky but I use the laptop for DVDs all the time without issue.

    But can I transfer an iTunes sourced MP3 from my IPod to my phone? No...

    The intent is quite different. One limits your play options the other does not.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Now It's On,

    just use the URL instead of the embed

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    he said dvd have quite substantial drm in them, no one complains about that. its pretty transparent for the use of a dvd though, put it in your dvd play, watch it, put it in your book case and forget it.
    he wasn't anti drm at all, but he did say that under the isp subscription model it would be irrelevant, people could file share all they wanted cos it will trickle down through their isp fees.

    Because the DVD does what you want it to plays on a player, any player (with regional limits but that is a device to defeat parallel importing and is so weak most players now ignore it).

    DRM in music does exactly the opposite.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    That is a good description, I like it. The Rovian philosophy practiced by Salon, Huffington Post, Daily Kos is to low ball in rumours and innuendo to smear a candidate relying upon the voter being neither discerning or smart.

    Ah miss the point somewhat.

    I'm on record as saying that I was rather appalled by the way the the conversation sank at Kos but there is a mountain of difference between the linked, annotated and referenced commentary at Salon, and parts of Huffington and the unreferenced and /or dishonest touting of slogans as facts at the RNC and beyond. Even you seem unable to reference the points you make here beyond touting such as facts. You say..she was vetted and we are supposed to accept such. There is a voluminous amount of evidence, non-partisan, that says otherwise.

    But that is neither here nor there.

    I'm talking at a candidate level. At the RNC both Palin, and the other guy resorted to simplistic and repeated sloganing, often factually at odds to available evidence, fear based, and intentionally kept at a rabble rousing base level.

    On the campaign trail McCain has today repeated the Alaska is close to Russia meme..a drift of logic so extreme that you can only repeat it if you assume the audience is stupid.

    The Bridge to Nowhere thing is repeated every day. That, Angus is repeat a lie over and over and over again, assuming that your audience

    Maybe you can point me in the direction of a campaign ad endorsed by Obama that twists the truth as dishonestly as the sex ed one yesterday? Or a show me a link where McCain defends Obama against his alleged lack of patriotism or Islamic ties? I can show you a few where Obama praises McCain's service record.

    It's a moral gulf Angus..

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    sorry simon, can you expand, I don't get you're point,
    are you saying that since these issues have been discussed for 5 years that the conversation should be dropped? I've seen the last 5 years as looking for a workable solution. Jenner was quite clear that he thought the ISPs were in the wrong here and saying it very clearly. its taken a while for people to get that concept clear in their heads.

    Sorry Rob....I'm not saying the argument should be dropped at all..quite the opposite. Jenner and many others are and have been essentially arguing the subscription model for many years and the argument seems to have changed little over the years beyond moving from what was once dismissed with vitriol by bodies representing the labels (both big and indie let me be clear) to having legs. It's only gained momentum because the old model was beyond resuscitation, and those arguing for it have had to come to terms with this fact.

    It's the same with DRM...essentially dead, it's just taking a long while to take it's last breath.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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