Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I don't want to see Brendan gone at all. His knowledge, experience and empathy are irreplaceable, but I think we need a) a revision or fine tuning of the brief (regardless of what is on the website...rather as it is applied), b) some fresh young blood at a roots level, from a non-commercial radio background with some input into the decision making.

    Fair enough but how so irreplaceable ? Surely no one is irreplaceable or indispensible ?

    I concur with a) and b). So by what process does one revise the brief and vet the young blood ? Who does it ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    To put you on the spot Simon.

    Is BS the man for these times ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    And although I don't agree with the logicality of some of dubmuggas arguments I'll back him on the putting you on the spot question.

    Which ones ? I tend to make so many that any semblance of logicality gets lost in the mad rush to get em all out before i forget em...heh

    An interesting side note to savage is. I oversaw him as his community worker for being a bad boy as a teen in Sth Aux. I'd just get him to hang out and talk crazy shit to him. So glad to see he's made something of himself. Now if only he'd lay off the fatty foods. I'd hate for him to go the Phil Fuemana route R.I.P

    BTW...end note to sending BS the email all those years ago about changing radio to suit the artists not changing artists to suit the format. A poisonous email i wish i'd saved and no more invites to cliquey industry parties, no more hit discs and no more funding for artists i thought worthy of.

    Is it personal and does it worry me ? Nah cos it has always been about the tunes not the politics. Tunes last forever, no one remembers bureaucrats and my points still stand regardless.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: In tha Hoodie,

    If you're gonna wear one, wear one that is limited edition. The pinnacle of cool is exclusivity. No one want a hoodie that everyone else has.

    In line with that... one of me ;P

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    What do you think the Hit Discs, the radio pluggers, etc, did? I'm no fan of commercial music radio, but I think it's evident that its attitude has improved a lot in the past decade.

    But I still don't get OpShop.

    Hit discs are a waste of money and have been for a while. Why have a disc when with Amplifier you have a whole database to programme your radio from ?

    Dont the people whose job it is to select the tunes for radio trust their own judgment without having NZoA spoonfed them the latest tastemaker du jours selection for the month ?

    Commercial radio's attitude has changed cos its got a state funded body backing it up and to which it can defer responsibility for shit tunes getting airplay as long as the advertising money keeps rolling into NZoa. Neither are gonna change much and why would they? A parasite and its host from a perfect symbiotic relationship that is exclusive of the wider ecosphere.

    Its all about maintaining the status quo and covering your arse or kissing it if you want to play their game.

    As for op shop that is exactly the point. Who are these tastemakers that determine who or what has commercial potential and to what radio stations format are they pandering to ? Just the big ones generating the most ad revenue ? Such a fucking copout with no accountability for their choices.

    The amount of stupid tunes and wack artists that get funding bewilders me. It's almost like tokenism. We'll do a safe hiphop tune for the youngers cos thats what we want them to listen to never mind that drugdealing label 'colourway' has more hits on youtube than most bands getting plugged these days. Then fund a girly guitar one for the angsty chix, a ska punk one for the lads just so we can sneak some artfag shit by one of their mates in there with no commercial potential at all.

    I'd be keen to see a list of tunes/artists funded over the last 7 yrs vs how much play they got and where are these artists now ? See if theres a discernable pattern in funding genres and artists and more importantly labels/label heads.

    That might mean opening up APRA/RIANZ/PPNZ logs but i cant see them doing that either cos then we'd see how big their black box of unclaimed royalites is.

    And dont even get me started on why NZoA funds multinational major label artists. It hinders the labels from investing in the artists they supposedly believe in and limits those cutting edge indy artists from getting a slice of pie.

    To put you on the spot Russell. Is BS the man for these times or not ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    his main point seemed to be that the present system reinforced the traditional disinterest in music that didn't fit commercial radios tiny focus.

    Much of our voice our culture falls outside of that focus and it is questionable that we should put funding toward that which diminishes our own cultures self image and strength.

    I said that to Nicky who now manages Holly Smith 6 yrs ago when she was working for NZoA and also in an email to BS at that time as well, except not quite so eloquently:)

    Guess who never got funded again after that ??? so i can see the reluctance for those who do curry favour with BS to say the same thing given how he runs his fiefdom.

    But i can wait cos as Russell says, 'every year the rumblings grow a little louder' so they're bound to reach critical mass eventually.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Yeah yeah re the panel discussion. They go on about the problem but they don't put up solutions.

    NZoA's recording artists grants designed to create fly by night one hit wonder kiwi popstars to fit nicely between the ads of the trad broadcasters and feed the majors is so far behind the times it's not even funny anymore.

    Music Industry commish copyright and promotion workshops is nothing but a joke to account for their budget.

    I'd have NZOA or MIC reps contracts performance based and make them as A&R people. Make an urban division, an indie division, a rock division etc with a budget and say go find 4 groups and pimp them like your job depends on it cos it would.

    Hows that for starters, i mean if they gonna vet people for broadcast as a record label by proxy or pimp them overseas at WMC midem or SXSW then make them accountable for their choices ?

    Of course if you proposed that and you'd get a whole buncha people in whose best interest it is to maintain the status quo get fucked right off cos suddenly they'd be out of a job that is easy money for them as they don't have to do fuck all for it.

    It would also address the real gaping hole in the industry and help plug it. A&R people and digital pimps.

    Radio needs closer ties to the net if it wants to stay relevent, it can't just rely on FM listeners for its audience anymore or rely on the *cough*sound ethics*cough* of radio programmers

    So how about a central NZOA server linked to APRA where NZ artists can upload and radio programmers can download and peeps can vote for who gets video/ recording funding ? Tweak Chris Hocquards amplifier and you basically got that already.

    Fuck going cap in hand every quarter with your demo cd for a grant decided by statefunded tastemakers who are basically suckholes to mainstream broadcasters.

    And who gives a shit about Gray Bartlett or Hayley Westenra/ popera. That aint the future. Thats a dying market. Why pander to a demographic that is losing numbers every year just cos they got disposable income ? Whatever happend to music as art. Art should be dangerous, cutting edge, visionary not cookie cut from old dough.

    In which case media 7 shoulda had Mikee from loop, maybe Chris Chetland from Kog, Andy from Dawnraid and a video link with Simon Grigg or Kirk Harding.

    Time for an overhaul at NZoA and MIC cos they only use whatever good ideas they can get from canvassing over music month to stay in power not realising times have changed and they haven't ?

    I propose an all in music month debate chaired by Chris Hocquard.

    And jeez it looks like like they already ripped an idea of mine already.

    that'll do for now but oooh cant wait to get my DJ and dance scene rant on next...heh

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Cracker: ALTered States,

    I've always wanted to build an eco city of the future at omarama/twizel...

    ..its got sun, wind, water, mountains and lots of flatland that isnt really a natural habitat for anything worth saving. Could easily put a few million people up there and plan to survive a nuclear winter even.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Cracker: ALTered States,

    ooooh can i be a kyoto rep for NZ > Free junket trips for a lost cause and to reduce my carbon footprint I'll only wear hemp clothing and bring back one PS3.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Cracker: ALTered States,

    Technology got us into this mess not taxation and legislation and it's the only thing that can get us out and off planet.

    This is the George Bush theory of fixing climate change.

    Not only George. Its what the entire western consumerist ideology is built on. Buy now, pay later and to hell with the finite resources and pollution. We're clever enough to solve whatever comes up and if not, those at the the top are sufficiently financially evolved as to ride out the fallout.

    It's all about the monkey sphere !!!


    ...otherwise it's looking like bladerunner and the matrix.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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