Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    ^^I'd say. Considering they were exploited by ray columbus to cash in on the youf market and probably funded cos of the good ol boy connection still running most things in this industry.

    Aint no way 300 teenage grils woulda voted that shit in.

    Which brings another thought to mind. In the 'idol' series how easy would it be to manipulate those votes and doesnt idol make a case for audience chosen artists with a panel guiding selection and nurturing said artists ?

    Or how about savage getting signed worldwide cos of a buzz on the net. Aint no way our system would recognize a big scary polynesian rapper as someone worthy of funding outright.

    If they did they'd fund colourway or MrSicc who also have a bit of following on line albeit from the undesriable street element and we cant have that affecting the impressionable youf despite the fact that they already are.

    The current system just reeks of hypocrisy.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    triple j and twice the t, nuff said.

    sorry bro don't get the inference, care to explain ?

    what's the difference between your system and the present nz on air system. its all manipulation, only thing is who's in control.

    Transparency and putting the control in the hands of the target market to choose who gets their tax paid funding is what it's all about isnt it ? It wouldnt take long to figure out whos manipulating and how, then devise ways to stop them/ it.Its got to be better than the faceless manipulation and control with no accountability for selection we currently have.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    NZ on Air hasn't really laid the foundation for anything, they've just been pissing about with a budget. I'm not seeing any forward direction or master plan.

    What you see is what the vision was cos thats how clever the powers that be are/were. We now have more fly by night, one hit wonder, wannabe popstars churning out lo class rips of foreign muck than ever before. You have to believe that they foresaw this and laid the foundations accordingly. What they didnt see is the rise of internet streaming, file sharing and social networking stealing radios new musical discoveries thunder. But they should have if they had a vision as opposed to a narrow focus. Thats the foundations needing to be laid now to capitalise 10 yrs down the track when radio will truly be dead.

    There's an interesting warning about online song contests in the last APRA magazine

    Interesting trade off of copyright for cash. For an unknown with no track record it's virtually tradition that you get screwed on your first deal as you have no bargaining power and usually can't afford legal representation. Be prepared for that. If it's a signficant sum with a reputable label and all you got is one tune worth a damn, ask yourself, do you want half a watermelon or a whole grape ?

    In hiphop theres often cases of beatmakers selling their works wholesale for an upfront fee to a producer and foregoing any copyrights. I've advised a few against that but when you coming up it can also be a good way to raise your profile.

    double edged sword innit ?

    Yeah, but why do I think we'll end up with 300 teenage girls deciding who gets funded? At what point do we agree that there weren't really enough votes to validate the poll? And how do we ensure bands/labels/managers don't manipulate the online vote to secure funding?

    Whats wrong with 300 teenage girls deciding on the 'urban division's' tune for possible funding.Thats who the target is for that tune. It's crusty old white guys thinking they know what the public should hear thats the problem as is, isnt it ? I'd welcome the change.

    By all means let bands/labels/managers manipulate the vote. That shows determination and commitment but really you cant fake the funk. A shit tune is a shit tune but i reckon it'd be blindingly obvious the difference between them getting spam votes and real hot tunes/artists. Sooner or later things would even out and genuine talent spotting tastemakers would reveal themselves separate from manipulative spammers.

    But what, you dont think there'd be a select committee with a handy veto clause at the ready ???...heh

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    focus dubmugga, focus.

    Nah vision robbery, vision. Create a vision, see the bigger picture, hold it then worry about the incidental details later. You can always get someone else to do the focussing, like a focus group :)

    Fast forward 10 yrs and if we don't start laying the foundation now as NZoA did 10 yrs ago we might be in even more of a mess with still no idea of how to get out of it.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Keep the level of funding for video as is, but keep it separate from the music division of NZoA cos essentially it's a completely different art form and nothing to do with radio and airplay so shouldn't be judged by the same criteria. The treatment offered for each tune and reputation of the production company should decide the outcome for each applicant and should be selected by a panel of visual artists.

    I mean what the fuck do radio jocks and bureaucrats know about video art ? Some tunes make stunning videos but would never have a shit show of generating significant commercial radioplay. Sarah browns puppet video springs to mind. Even ladisix and Hollie smith as good as they are, arent exactly radio fodder but i'd rather fund them a video than op shop.

    New recording grants on the other hand can be funded less $$$ but given out more as recording costs have changed significantly since digitalisation. Retroactive funding of proven internet hits can then increase production values for hardcopy release as a remix/video option.

    I'm all for more money being pumped into the system just not for radio and not for crap artists who solely cater for radio and not to entrench more sycophantic public servants to pander to radio either.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I licensed a tune to a well known international label for a fairly significant sum just by entering an online voting competition for inclusion on its anniversary compilation. It was selected from about 80 tunes which made the labels cut to 10 and generated 80 000 votes. So in effect the public programmed the tracklist. There's no reason why we cant do that with demos currently submitted to NZoA for funding and applied to radio. NzoA can still fund retroactively as they do with the 5k for radio hits of the month... yeah I didn't say radio was over just fuckit. I'm not interested in it and neither should NZoA to the extent it is. By all means keep pandering to it but scale it back and focus on the net as a means of getting NZ not just on our air, but everyone's. Radio can feed/program itself of a gov't sponsored database of kiwi music accessible to any artist and audience by buying Amplifier and teching it right out.

    I was talking to an industry fellow as well about leaking/distributing on line 3 or 4 digital bundles over a year or so of about 3 trax each. And after a period of building an interest/fanbase putting out the interactive dvd. NZoA can fund that as well. Maybe make the bundles perfomance based and tied to a regional liaison person. Fuck cd albums cos no one wants to hear 11 trax by the same artist all at the same time anymore cos there pretty much is no such thing as all thriller no filler and there will probably never be another michael jackson.

    oh yeah, and that tune i licensed couldn't get a video grant here. So Russell, can i quote you as saying in principle, you agree i should be given BS job...hahaha

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    what did you think of my idea of scrapping video and music funding and putting the money directly into changing radio, lobbying for a quota, setting up a a free youth radio network or something?

    Honestly not much. Sorry bro, no offense but FUCK RADIO !!!

    I'd rather see NZoA buy Amplifier and run it as a net radio/record label streaming kiwi stuff with some sort of feedback on plays to trad radio who would then program their stations from what the public is actually listening to and scrap the radio focus completely.

    Then lower the new recording scheme grant to a grand to increase the number of grants but keep putting money into video. Put it on the act/manager to pimp their shit to radio if they still want to as opposed to deferring responsibility to NZoA.

    Do away with funding kiwi hit discs, CD albums and junket trips to midem sxsw etc. Develop web based labels/promotions and fund acts regionally on a face to face basis.

    Teach acts/managers how to sell their tunes to gaming developers, movies and advertisers as opposed to constantly running workshops about archaic broadcast copyright laws and lo budget tours.

    Its not about NZ on Air anymore it's about NZiC...NZ in cyberspace cos thats the global market we live in and have to compete against.

    Its time to stand up and be counted. We're well beyond the cultural cringe. Now its a case of playing to our strengths and taking the world on from a playing field that isnt sloped downwards but upwards form having total gov't and community support.

    Naturally those ideas need fleshing out and i got a few more but another time another space maybe...

    ...and oh yeah I'd give me BS's freaking job to boot. So whos with me ?


    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    The absolute bestest of all possible tastes, just like NZoA's funding selections should be...

    ...and yeah scary place this interweb...NOT

    Once you figure out it cant kill you, it makes you stronger, you're sweet.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    heh...i figure i'll give it another day to se if BS turns up or Russell expounds on his initial answer, then i might harangue, cajole, spam and troll him across all threads til he answers :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    However I think a continuous barrage about a person (who may now have been frightened off here) doesn't achieve anything constructive.

    frightened ???....PFFFFFT !!! that is some weak sauce .For my mind there is a whole lot of constructive opinions in here.

    Welcome to 21st century new media. If he cant handle this he hasnt a shit show of reforming NZoA to include this. Shucking and jiving, paying lip service smiley face for the camera and delivering meaningless soundbites just doesnt cut it anymore.

    I don't have much faith in the systems ability to change, it hasn't done very well with polite and positive input in the past, why should now be any different?

    when change happens there will be tears oh yes there will be tears... of sadness and joy

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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