Posts by recordari
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Somebody Had To Say This....
Really? Seems to me this is frigging in the rigging, cause there's...
Anyhoo, the exodus of Destiny's children is probably more news worthy.
Didn't he mutate into Carlton Crisp after eating too much snack food?
Bloody socialist. Always thought he had a chip on his shoulder.
What ever happened to Fabian Fanboy?
Um - at least one of the McGillicuddys is currently in parliament, a party leader no less
So there is! It's not easy being green. Guess she wasn't part of the 'Great leap Backwards' movement then.
Could we raise the bar as to what constitutes a national party at least? You'd think that a reasonable number of paid up members would be a honest prerequisite and weed out some of the fringes (and I say that as a lifelong holder of fringe political ideas).
As much as it would be nice to have an independent review board of the wacky fringes, not sure it is possible, with that whole human rights thing being slightly compromised. [redacted]
Turns out the McGillicuddys disappeared after 1999. Sorry, I didn't notice for some reason. Must have been lack of equitable funding.
the best ideas should win on their own not because they have more capital behind them
...and other utopian ideals. Of course I agree, but, umm, America?
Free speech is also about who has the loudest megaphone.This seemed apposite. Obama Assails Supreme Court Ruling On Political Advertising.
1. only individual citizens can donate to candidates; and
2. such donations are limited to $2000.Maybe in theory, and not in every state, as I understand the 1990 ruling allowed States to ban corporate financing, but that Supreme Court ruling, mentioned above, looks set to erode the 'levelling' that occurred, at least in some states.
The New Zealand Herald - selling cluelessness as journalistic balance since (at least) 1997.
Blogging twitterers wrote my editorial for me. 140 caricatures or less.
It does rather seem some people are determined to become recipients of the Darwin Award. "I got drowned by a 2 metre Tsunami, but my YouTube video has a million hits!"
Speaking with friends in the Singapore expat community, where many had been on vacation in some of the worst hit areas during the boxing day Tsunami, the speed and ferocity of the wave when it comes is no laughing matter. The survival stories were great to hear, but sufficient warning and the opportunity to get on higher ground would have been their preference, without exception. The ones who lost family or friends would not be impressed by people who had the warnings, but chose to ignore them.
The earthquake preceding the Boxing Day Tsunami was 9.1. Chile's was 8.8. The Samoan Earthquake was 8.3. Yes I know there are many variables, but the threat was genuine.
The funny thing about Crying Wolf stories is they tend not to end well.
Hmm, that was a bit off the chart. I'll blame Sunday morning-itis. Sometimes the world doesn't get in for a bit. The waves have come ashore at many places, as no doubt everyone knows.
Civil Defence. -
An awe-specious rejoinder.
Hmm, that must come from listening to the kiddies show on bFm. What's the frequency, Kenneth?
Oh yeah, and what Lucy said. But playing Manic's Tsunami would have been too obvious, even for me ;-)