Posts by recordari

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  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    And we're obediently debating it, as always: Toss the grannies! No, the unemployed! Ooh, I know, the harpsichordist... and the group rounds on the hapless musician, gibbering in the corner...

    Hear hear! Throw the prolies out with the bath water!

    Oh, and don't look on the Hide thread, cause I've got them eating sushi. Blues Brothers style, that is.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Southerly: Interview with Rodney Hide,

    Aw shucks, how could I resist?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    I'll try not to get into a philosophical debate of the service and the cost of the service, in relation to 'value', and how logos do not 'add value', they add cost. And then the brand equity calculators will come out and try to convince me that 'You're just not getting the bigger picture. You need to consider the Value Chain!'

    Meh. Read the papers, written the essay, bought the t-shirt, remain largely unconvinced.

    If you want to sell me something that is unpalatable, then it's going to take more than a logo to soften the blow. Our rubbish trucks turn up when expected, and the rubbish goes away. Is that going to change under the new council in a Super City? Hope not.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    Strangely the idea that a Logo is going to tell me what my rates do or don't get me (often don't) reminds me of this particular Mythbusters episode. Sorry, that was unnecessary, but they send me a notice with my rates bill, which spells it out fairly clearly.

    I'm certainly not suggesting Auckland is a turd that needs polishing (others can do that), but the Council, who have some pretty serious leaky homes problems to sort out, would be best placed focusing their attention on this, among other things, which may be why they put it out to the public.

    Yes, it does start to sound a bit precious. Perhaps I'll get back to the anachro-grams and lusty limericks.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    Toronto seems to have been through a branding exercise and come up with Toronto Unlimited. Meh.

    And perhaps like New York, any Auckland Logo will have to compete with that big nicely symmetrical island out in teh harbour. Yes it is banal and done to death, but it is kind of visible from just about everywhere. Even Rodney. (The district, not the MP)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    Ahhh....the voice of reason!

    Having said something similar, I concur. I'm not being petulant I hope, just anachronistic.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    heft, cleft, deft, bereft...

    I'm on the hoof.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    That great big hypodermic just screams for Intravenous Agnostic

    With no tree on the hill
    and volcanoes off the bill
    it's the only symbol left
    so stick it in the...

    What rhymes with left? There is something, but if I use that it will be berry wude!

    I'm done, honest!!!

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    Hey, Michael and Steve (oh Sacha too I guess). How are Alien and I going to continue our flippant witticisms if you're going to start taking this seriously?

    The council putting the Logo out to a public competition with a prize of 10,000 is a joke. But, leaving Graphic Design to lay people is not, and trust me on this, the same as leaving brain surgery to a plumber.

    There are bigger issues at stake around Auckland's identity, and the stakeholders, vested interest, conflict of interest, Maori, Pacific Island, new immigrant cultures, students, environment, water, ports, RWC, electricity, sewerage blah blah blah. No Logo is going to sufficiently encompass the diversity of the city, or solve all it's problems, so leaving it to 'the people' to identify symbols that are meaningful to them might not be a bad way to start the process.

    Qualified people will no doubt take the ideas and run them through the wringer before deciding on the final design. What's the big deal? It starts to sound like 'get the hell off my patch!'

    There are also 'lay people' out there that happen to be artists, or have GDip Bus in Marketing, including Advanced Communications, spent years working in galleries and photography, have used Photoshop and other Graphics tools for more than 15 years, and if it wasn't for that thing called 'a day job' could probably do a creditable job of it. Kerning not withstanding.

    Lighten up. We're in Auckland. It's kind of fun here, right?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    aaah but does a manual vowel movement
    trump a machine going thru the motions?

    Why did this make me think of the poo ponds?

    Auckland. You can smell us a mile away.

    Anypoo. On spaces.

    In designer higher learning
    you get a yearning for some kerning
    while undergrads are trad
    their typography's just bad

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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