Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Biting back at Bill,

    Stoked! A quote. Personally, I think TVNZ is going to go down a long, long way before there's a re-build from the ashes. And that new promo suggests I may be right.

    I've always thought that one of the worst of the hither-and-thither decisions in the past decade and a half was the dumping of the community news trial under Reg Russ. Those people were actually making all-digital low-cost news long before it was fashionable, and would have had a hell of a lot of experience under their belts by now.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,



    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    And and by the way Russell I do agree - a court day is depressing, as you the tax -payer of the state have paid for me to enter the doors over 150 times since family estrangement , what's a couple million dollars eh ?

    I've been personally involved in the Family Court case of a friend who was badly let down by the system - I stood in court myself to give evidence and cop some of the filth that was flying, but it was worth it. I know the Family Court isn't perfect, believe me, and if you've been treated as badly as you say, I genuinely feel for you. But this isn't the right place to vent your anger about it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    therefore section 59 should be repealed. Brilliant argument - point out the most extreme elements and use that as your argument in support of your view.

    Not what I said. But this video was uploaded by Rynso as the latest in a series of pro-Section 59 campaign videos, on the same day she appeared in court. Despite the gravity of the current charges, the woman not only allowed that to go ahead, but seems set on making herself some sort of media figurehead for the virtues of reasonable force. Don't you think that's counterproductive?

    On a similar vein we should not repeal section 59 because there are some hysterical voices in support, e.g. "oi thunk ut's a good idea to stop poiple thrashing an beating their kuds" (H. Clark 2007).

    Hilarious. A Helen Clark impression. You do realise I'm trying not to have this place turn into Kiwiblog? Make an argument by all means.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    D4J, I've appreciated the fact that your contributions here are more measured than elsewhere, but your last two posts have been angry gibberish. Can you calm down a bit?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    I am not in favour of hog-tying children , however I am not impressed with the pc police that allow a delayed twin baby homicide investigation ? Double standard or matter of priority ? The kids got smacked on the head with a hammer and the killer still walks free due to judicial incompetence.

    Are you referring to the Kahui case?

    Chris Kahui's lawyer applied this month for a six-month remand, because she was busy. The judge described that as an "unsatisfactory delay" and ruled that the case be heard in June, whatever her difficulties. Exactly what is your complaint about that?

    I'm really not sure what this has to do with the "PC police", or what, for that matter, it actually has to do with the topic.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    Perhaps if the kid didn't break his moms nose he wouldn't have got such a hiding.

    Good grief ...

    Why don't the MSM question why this kid wasn't prosecuted for assault with intent to injure if they really wanted to do their job properly?

    Presumably because they haven't yet signed up to The Cult of the Timaru Lady.

    In fact, Russell, why haven't you questioned that? If you were a woman and your nose was broken by your son, ( I have been told that this nose had had previously been broken by someone who was convicted of assault) would you have been more concerned about your nose or more about your son getting a hiding by your partner who was taking such action to stop him beating you up?

    And yet the evidence of the boy, which is supported by his waving down the witness's car, and his attempt to call his birth father, was that he was trying to get away from the lovely couple. Even in the presence of the witness, the husband continued to administer a sustained bodily beating to a bloodied boy whose hands he had tied. One would imagine the "brat", as you insist on putting it, was terrified.

    Dave, don't dig yourself in any further. I know you're not a bad guy, but this is getting bizarre.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    Bravo to her son. If more vicious bullies got a taste of their own medicine, they might be a little more restrained.

    Er, no actually. It seems clear enough that this family's problems lie in the use of violence to solve disputes. The fact that the boys learned that from mum doesn't make it right.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    Actually, if you were a woman and had just had your nose broken by a male much bigger than yourself, let alone the spitting blood etc I'm sure you would have "stood by" when that same person was attacked by another - I doubt you would have intervened either.

    I'll reserve judgement on the broken nose: neither of the witnesses have thought to mention it, and you'd think it would have been apparent. Perhaps we'll hear more about it when the case goes to trial.

    But what a witness did see was hubby conducting a sustained assault, "not holding back at all", with fists and knees, on a 16 year-old boy who had his hands tied, had blood around his nose and mouth and had been so desperate to escape that he flagged down a passing motorist. And she didn't even call out for hubby to stop?

    Her own son, David. How on earth can you claim this woman operates anything like a safe household? Both her sons are now clearly disturbed, both have been involved in violent incidents with the husband, who has already admitted charges of assault in the latter case - and you're still implying that CYFS was wrong to be concerned?

    Here and elsewhere you've implied that CYFS workers, police, teachers and doctors have all acted inappropriately or even corruptly with respect to this family - you've even implied that the grandmother is in on it. Is it not far more likely that all these professionals have been right, and the "Timaru lady" is a danger to her children?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Friends of Science,

    Hardly. I don't know about meat, but I've done the maths on milk, and if farmers were required to pay for the cost of their emissions, and those costs were passed on to consumers, it would raise the price by 1.6 cents a litre - roughly 1%. That's not a big impact, and its hardly likely to lead to the serious health impacts you're insinuating.

    Oh bugger it. Could you tell the farmers I'm happy to pay 1% more for milk if that helps?

    But I should point out that your 1.6 cents/l=1% is clearly based on that poncy organic milk, which is $2.55/l retail? Typical lefty.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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