Posts by Danielle
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I wasn't particularly interested ether, until my partner almost died of blood clotting.
Yikes. Sorry to hear that.
(Don't get me started on the lack of proper testing before setting it loose on unsuspecting women. But that's 'social history' too, in a way.)
so there are sacred cows academic historians should never analyse critically without being dismissed as having a political agenda?
'Conservative revisionism' is more of a historiographical term than a political one, in this instance.
Linda Bryder was almost my thesis co-supervisor, until I made clear that I wasn't all that interested in the medical aspects of the contraceptive pill. It was always about the social as far as I was concerned...
yes I know things have changed but I can't wear one
I once had an argument with a friend about wearing poppies because she was very Right On (TM) and believed they were all about 'glorifying war'.
When I buy a poppy I think about death, waste, mud, tragedy, stupidity and unimaginable sadness and horror. I don't buy them because I think war is awesome, but because I think it's terrible, and it's good to be reminded about that stuff once a year or so. YMMV, etc.
God, I'm so boring. :)
They are using television after all to push their stuff -- a device which if used properly will make you fat, stupid and incapable of concentrating on anything except your next purchase.
Oh Brickley. You are *so* That Guy.
I think the tackiness is important in terms of legitimising it as part of NZ pop culture though, as well as saying `this is for charity' etc.
That is a legitimate point which I hadn't thought of. (I'm not sure if everyone snarking at the tackiness has the same attitude, though.)
All roads lead to Paul.
(Or George's spiritual perm.)
I agree with both sides of this argument and I think my brain is going to implode.
(I would like to note, however, that the tackiness or otherwise of the whole telethon operation shouldn't really come into the approval/disapproval equation. *Of course* it's tacky. 95% of everything in the world is tacky.)
Speaking of Mexican sauces and chocolate, Mexican Specialties in Ellerslie do a mole which is very nice. (Along with everything else they make. And everything about them. My love for that place knows no bounds.)
I have just started watching the Top Town episode, and it is made of win.
A few years ago I discovered that in the USA they had Battle of the Network Stars, in which TV personalities did similarly exciting athletic feats. Here is (poor quality, sorry) Billy Crystal vs. Larry Wilcox from CHiPs on an obstacle course, and the following year racing against a youthful David Letterman: