Posts by Danielle

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  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    He never did it again.

    No... there was gardening to be getting on with, after all.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Zealand Weekend Television,

    I prefer to think of him as 'That Guy'.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Zealand Weekend Television,

    in 2002, Beck asked the Flaming Lips to be his backing band for a US tour

    We had just moved back to NZ in 2002. I think this tour, in particular, really stretched my husband's general calm acceptance of permanent emigration. Regrets, we've had a few...

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    I'm compelled to mention George Harrison.

    George also (narrowly) wins the Solo Album-Off with All Things Must Pass. That's what happens when they only give you two songs an album for eight years! (Also, I don't know what the alpha dogs were thinking by ignoring some of those songs since the White Album sessions. 'All Things Must Pass' [the song] is heartbreakingly beautiful.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deja Vu,

    And I was left with the uneasy feeling the whole rationale for the exercise was a sort of patronising "Oh... let's talk to a local hick and let the beltway snicker at his homely advice and Southland drawl".

    So now I'm left agreeing with both Tom and Craig. I feel very uncomfortable in this place. :)

    I think he managed to rise above that cheap rationale rather well, though. Yay, Dipton guy!

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deja Vu,

    Was anyone else hugely amused by the chap from Dipton they dredged up to interview on NatRad this morning? He was attempting to defend English but in the end came across as though he thought English, being a politician, was part of a sort of alien species who couldn't be expected to follow normal ethical rules. 'Well, I'm not saying that all politicians are corrupt... although the point could be argued...' Heh.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Speaker: Remembering the Chartists,

    With apologies to Giovanni:

    Tom Cruise: He's Blowing Me Right Now

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    "Hang on! It were me that turned John onto self-indulgence in the first place!"

    Snerk! :)

    buying music is about 75% a boy thang....sorry Danielle (exception / rule etc)

    Oh, you're totally right. I have spent many hours pondering why this is ('too much time on my hands', as those wise philosophers Styx once sang). It's probably for the same types of reasons why women are underrepresented in other fields or hobbies. Back in the day, a record shop of the 'right kind' could be hugely intimidating because there's a sort of 'expertise' you're supposed to have and some of the guy music nerds maintained an air of exclusivity, or were downright dismissive of your opinion (especially if you're short, perky, and you like a lot of things, including pop music. She says bitterly). It's much less so now, I think? I'm wondering if it's changing now because it's so easy to either a) get a lot of knowledge quickly by reading the right websites or b) not give a crap about 'the canon' because mp3s have democratised everything. A woman doesn't have to walk into a record shop and hope she says 'the right thing' to get good, informed service. Just download it and decide for yourself.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    where are the women writers?

    Oh, women aren't into music. They just sing along with whatever comes on the radio. (Sarcasm tag, etc.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Short and Long of It,

    And roller derby. Don't forget roller derby.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

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