Posts by Russell Brown

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  • OnPoint: Send in the lawyers (+NGA),

    Lyndon Hood's pretty funny today ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Send in the lawyers (+NGA),

    Thanks guys. Both useful and interesting.

    But have we established that Brash's emails were unlawfully taken en masse? By someone who had no right to access them? And that there are thousands of them? Is that what Brash would have had to establish in court?

    I'd also be interested in an explanation of how his email system would have been set up. I have an idea that Parliamentary Services system stores emails in a central database, like Exchange or Lotus Notes. Brash's emails wouldn't have been on that system, but I guess they could have been on his office PC. Anyone care to explain?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Bledisloe Haka,

    Russell has a great story of a correspondent of his playing the audio edition of Hard News over the PA system to a crowd of several tens of thousands at a bull fight in Spain. Nice.

    Nearly ... it was a big concert at a bullring in Brazil ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: All stadium, all the time,

    Trevor Mallard has LIED to all of you. HE KNOWS that the only way he can get "Trevor Mallard Stadium" on the waterfront is if the general public do not know about the bid made by North Harbour Stadium, which is better than his bid in everyway.

    North Harbour Stadium is a terrible idea: the equivalent of building Stadium Australia in Homebush - or, as some people wanted to do at the time, siting the Wellington Stadium in Porirua.

    There is no way there will be "rail to Britomart" (and a new harbour crossing too?) in 2011. NH Stadium chronically struggles to draw crowds as it is. You'd be spending money on empty seats.

    Britomart really can't cope with 60,000 people leaving all at the same time.

    Yes, but they won't all be getting on the train and, more to the point, they won't all be leaving at the same time - because they'll actually have something to do after the game.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: All stadium, all the time,

    Seem like nice folks ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: All stadium, all the time,

    And while we're at it, there's also something brewing at Investigate.

    It's below. You have to wade through a very long and tedious passage of windbaggery before you get to the following. But you can't read any more unless you pay them money with your credit card. LOL:

    When Dunedin private investigator Wayne Idour went public back in October with revelations that he’d been investigating the Labour government, it caused a shockwave in the Beehive. What no one, possibly not even Idour, realized was that it also caused shockwaves in Dunedin. Questioned on TV3’s Campbell Live, Idour at one point had admitted that he was looking into the activities of David Benson-Pope, and hinted that there might be more to come. Not only – according to observers at parliament – did Benson-Pope look stressed, but hundreds of kilometers away in Dunedin members of a BDSM (bondage, discipline, sado-masochism) group known as “Southern Kinx” suddenly froze like possums in the headlights.

    “All of a sudden,” Roxanne*, one member of the group, told Investigate, “I don’t know what has gone on…but all of a sudden the Southern Kinx group – most of its official members have taken a big step back. Officially there are now only seven members. But it’s not for reasons of people dropping out because at the last ‘play party’ [a BDSM orgy] there were still 25, 30 people.”

    What’s the connection between a private eye checking out Benson-Pope, and a BDSM group? Benson-Pope is part of Dunedin’s BDSM scene....(more)

    Hmmm ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    The only way I can see that turning out is everyone thinking he's having a fit on national TV.

    Thanks. You've saved me the trouble of making a joke about stem cell research that I would probably have regretted ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,


    Author Nicky Hager says the lawyer for National leader Don Brash has told him that he will not be required to hand over the 3000 copies of his book about the Brash-led National Party to the High Court ... "Because things are moving quickly they have decided that they are not going to serve an injunction on me, which means that we won’t have to hand across all the books to the High Court today,” Mr Hager said. “And it feels to me that they are on the way to lifting the injunction, but obviously they haven’t done that yet.”


    Dr Brash says he has nothing to fear from the book and would like to see it published, though he says the privacy of people who sent him e-mails must be protected. Radio New Zealand's political staff say the discussion centres on maintaining a legal ban on the release of any of Dr Brash's personal e-mails from other sources.


    Political commentator Richard Griffin says he cannot see Don Brash surviving as leader of the National Party, once Nicky Hager's book is published ... Mr Griffin says when the book comes out, Dr Brash is unlikely to be able to continue as leader, mostly because National Party people themselves will seek their vengeance for the way he has handled the matter.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: Publishers in crisis!,

    Will this "Stadium Stoush" know no end?

    No stoush. It's complementarity: David is clever and I am merely earnest.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    Don't know what Russell's current schedule is, but on the Friday week in review, we're now a three-week roster instead of fortnightly:

    I always forget to tell my Mum ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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