Posts by Danielle
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p.s. I think the 20 secs cry part really showed your human side.
I'm curious about what Emma's other side is now! Emma, are you secretly half-something-else? Like Lieutenant Saavik, say? </nerdlinger>
(Also: Christ, all that sounds scary. Empathetic ACK!)
Beaten on the day, but to be a real fan you have to stick with it during good times and bad.
I think cricket fans are more attuned to this mindset.
I am still in the 'nightmare' camp. Sorry team. If I make the world's worst pun, I don't want hordes of unknown people thumbs-downing me. I would prefer our current 'embarrassed silence', thanks. :)
Some form of peer rating
OMG. You are joe's spleen! I love it when people I read turn out to be people I know. Erm, I mean 'know'.
I got it, Lucy. (Hi, BTW.)
So, where is Giovanni originally from again? I forgot.
I read 'em all. Yep. All of them. I read the entire copyright thread. I am insane.
The commentary is on a million different issues and there is no threading possible.
Which is rad. I don't like my commentary in tidy little thread-type packages. (This might just be a question of personal preference.)
In the model I like (yes, Metafilter, AGAIN) preview does a fresh fetch back from the server so you see your potential comment in the context of the very latest version of the page, allowing you to abort or rewrite.
Word up. I often open a whole other PAS and refresh it while I'm writing a post in another tab, just to get a workaround version of that.
(I started listening as a high school kid in '91 or '92
Me too.
I say 'no!' to threaded conversations. They drive me bonkers in other places and I imagine they would here too. But Robyn is way more jazzy than me at this internet lark, so it could just be that I'm a luddite.
Lance's post just made me go all 'really? You're complaining about that? REALLY?'