Posts by Danielle
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I do wish to clarify that a dude wielding a meat cleaver and one or more knives, no matter how many hands he had, might need to be stopped by force one way or another. I am just confused about how one might attack with two knives and a meat cleaver if one did not have, say, an extra robotic limb.
Well put, Rachel. (Paula Bennett is my local MP. Despair!)
Also, this is another one of Keith's Posts That I Don't Understand. They are reasonably frequent, and they make me feel hugely stupid. But go hard!
You all need to get out more... life is actually 3D you know.
So I hear. Life is even 3D inside your house, I understand. But life doesn't have EXPLOSIONS! (At least, not unless you're rather unlucky.)
Seriously, the argument could be made that any visual entertainment whatsoever is a distraction from 'real life', where you somehow go out into this 'real world' and experience 'real things'. TV, magazines, film, plays, books... we should all be out there in our hair shirts scything a field and talking meaningfully to each other, apparently. Well, if you'll excuse me: fuck that shit.
But if you, as I do, accept that visual entertainment serves a purpose in your life, then why not have some visual entertainment which is 3D? That's great! It's fun!
Also, she's not a very good actor, is she? I think we were all so mesmerised by her lips and backstory (Rundgren! Not Rundgren! Tyler! Bebe Buell, groupie extraordinaire!) that we were all hoodwinked for a while there...
But, but, he had a knife.
They reported the man's weaponry on NatRad as a meat cleaver and two knives, and I kept thinking 'how many hands does this dude have?'
Gullible consumer admission: I would love to watch some big movie spectaculars in 3D. Am I alone?
I've often wondered: are the people of other countries filled with such endless angst about their own provincialism and insularity? Or do they just not give a toss?
Failure is an attractive attribute of a tumour.
Yeah, I'm pretty down with a burnout-underachiever-type tumour myself. Like, a pot casualty growth or something: it can't really be bothered to get off the couch.
I think this is something you get better at as you get older.
I'm dubious. I am all about words, and yet for some reason rearranging letters to form them is hugely discombobulating. I can never make anything longer than four letters. Crosswords yes (the letters are in a set place! It all makes sense!), but Scrabble no. My ideal is the Listener's Quizword: pointless trivia in crossword form.
The only difference is that the immigrants don't assimilate like mofos.
Erm. Don't they? It's always taken a generation for that kind of 'assimilation' to occur. I think we're suffering from presentism to assert that sort of thing about current immigrants. There is nothing new under the sun, blah blah.