Posts by stephen clover

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  • Busytown: A good read,

    FYI stephen, my post was in response to David Cauchi's pretentious drivel. That said, I couldn't give a rats about your fanboy musings.

    Oh so it was just a pithy wee taunt, was it, that you didn't actually mean? Wondering why you'd bother...

    That said, I couldn't give a rats about your fanboy musings.

    You appear to be struggling to use language accurately.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: A good read,

    The ability to rile the terminally pretentious, without even deliberately setting out to do so. One of Jackson's lesser talents, but in itself greater than any that his envious detractors are able to muster.

    COMPLETELY OT but do you REALLY have to be terminally pretentious to find his LOTR films risibly dreary*? For e.g. I walked out of the last one, in despair. I don't believe that I in any way envy him, and I find your defensiveness just fucken stupid.

    That being said, I like to a lesser or greater extent his first five efforts, so...

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: A good read,

    Oh, and another POV from Pointless and Absurd:

    So I reckon Witi should tell those po-faced motherfuckers to fuck themselves. Take a leaf out of Hone Harawira's book!

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Busytown: A good read,

    But Nicholas Reid's review in the SST is pretty much spot on.

    I've wished for a long time that this wasn't the case, but I've found almost everything Witi Ihimaera's put out -- ever since his early short stories -- to be lamentable tripe. Sounds like The Trowenna Sea won't go anywhere near improving that view.

    Wouldn't wish this current plagiarism debacle on anyone though. Sucks to "make mistakes".. sucks to be caught out making them.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricketucation,

    Actually 20/20 emerged out of the martin crowe invention cricket max
    which was even more wizz bang with bonus points and the like.
    h 2 innings per side of 10 overs
    max zone for extra points
    and the dum dum moment 4 wickets instead of 3

    And people sometimes ask.... "Why does everyone hate Martin Crowe?"

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    F'n'ay. Git yer sprigs off my pitch. First game the fielders can't take their hands out of their pockets, you can start the rugby season.

    Oh, hear f'n hear to that. The only consolation in the last couple of summers to the injuries suffered on some of the carpark-resembling grounds we played on in the second half of the season was the (admittedly churlish) imaginings of what the same fields were doing to the in-training rugby players.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Out-yelled by Children,

    Penalize people who happen to be in a nearby postcode and can't make it to the game? They do that in Australia and it's a crap idea, you can't talk about the game with anybody in another part of the country and plenty of people have legitimate reasons for not going along on the day. It ends up punishing spectators instead of encouraging them.

    I agree.. and it's hardly gonna be possible as we move more and more towards non-geographically based TV transmission and reception models (i.e. the internet).

    Hadyn, loving your work!

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Consumer,

    Oh man, the Flaming Lips WOULD practice in a room made out of Lego (TM) with smoke machines and a porthole.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    Some conflicting stuff coming out [...] Ridge saying he might not want to work with him again on Game of Two Halves

    At first after I read that I was furious: "Who gave that asshat Ridge the talking stick and asked him to pontificate 'pon tings?" etc. etc.

    But then I realised.. of course, his management would have been in his ear for days, probably: "Publicly distance yourself from him at first opportunity, or some of the shit might stick" and so on. Canny.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    Heh, because he didn't articulate the sentiment so well, doesn't mean we can't comprehend what he was getting at.

    Yeah.. I guess that I was hoping that given more context it may have made more sense and/or even been explained -- much like the Holmes "cheeky darkie" remark.

    Oh man, I loved Gladstone Small on that tour. He was ferocious, and that delivery action! Stuff of nightmares for a 10-yr old batsman.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

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