Posts by Jan Farr

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  • Discussion: Regarding Auckland,

    Yep... that's how he got in the first time.... I've forgotten who the candidates were, but there were two nearly equal quality left-ish candidates, who nicely split the left vote so that Banksy got in. Then, he pissed everybody off, and Hubbard won on the "anyone but banksy" vote...

    Wasn't it Christine Fletcher and Matt McCarten?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Discussion: Regarding Auckland,

    re Don Christie's changing Auck. shoreline map - it seems to me that it turns from a rottweiler to a very silly poodle?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Problems,

    Some correctives to the Vanity Fair piece.

    But so entertaining - even the corrections. Ministry of Elves! That man should write the new Icelandic saga. And a 70 degree shower - are we talking Fahrenheit or Centigrade?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Problems,

    Re: Go Galt - oh how I do wish the selfish, greedy up-themselves "producers" would all bugger off to some hole somewhere and let people who understand community, co-operation and shared success get on with building a better, more and fair world.

    And perhaps they overestimate their 'talents' anyway.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Problems,

    Speaking of John Key, Iceland and remarkable Janet Albrechtson: Can we really say that John Key's short cv fits him for a leading role in hard times, when it doesn't include Icelandic Fisherman?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The strange story arc,

    Russell: I've just watched Media 7. The union stuff was great. I was wrong. It was sensible to go from where most people are - I had no idea nobody knew who Helen Kelly was. Mind you if you'd asked the same question in Wellington you might have got a different answer. Nice to have Ken's past and Laila's sharp analysis of both past and present and Graeme Hunt, who was able entertainingly to cover both the media's industrially-savvy past and its current industrial ignorance. I also recognise that apart from Media 7's intention to inform it also has to entertain and you probably can't do that with a cast of strangers.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mediocrity Watch,

    We have ladybirds - but not as many as there seemed to be about five years ago.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mediocrity Watch,

    Either way, the dog is not to blame.

    Whew! (wipes copiously sweating forehead).

    Actually I saw one bee when I went out to clean up dog poo.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mediocrity Watch,

    Fire all the blokes, replace them with women and blam. There's your 10% budget cut.

    Wouldn't that be nice if it included Tony Ryall. (I know! They have equity!)

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The strange story arc,

    The Police Association is a stand-alone organisation - not connected to the rest of the trade union movement. They don't actually claim to be a union, but to be 'a trade union style organisation based on the model provided by Australian Police Associations.' (Go to 'Who are we' for interesting history).

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

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